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is this unacceptable what i did?


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Ok, is this some kind of Asian pride or honour thing.


She, from a different ethnicity, slighted you in front of someone else and caused you embarrassment.


Whatever, it is you need to find help with this.


Everyday for two years is a lot of time to be festering hatred towards another human being.


Whatever the causation, you are not well and need help.

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No now she is taking the nice road...but i still wanna go off cause i can't get my mind off of 2 years ago...



If I was her you'd have a restraining order placed on you really quick.


Why are you still on here posting? You need to be out seeking help. What you are doing isn't healthy at all and as others have said is a sick obsession. Seek help before you hurt this girl. Geez.

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I'm really surprised that this thread isn't closed yet.


My take on this (which is probably similar to a lot of other peoples'):


1) You commented on this girl's appearance to another guy, TWO YEARS ago, she didn't like it, said a few things, gave you a few dirty looks, and you are STILL upset about it to the point where you harbor significant negative feelings toward her. This is not normal or healthy; we all have someone in our pasts that we had a negative interaction with, but after awhile, we let it go. I had a colleague who picked a fight with me over a difference of opinion on a pretty minor topic, and it escalated to him yelling at me and using vulgar language (while I remained calm and finally walked away from the conversation). Things were tense between us for awhile, and I still don't like him, but we are polite and have even had normal conversations since then. You are investing way too much energy into one incident that happened a long time ago, and that simply isn't a healthy thing to do.



2) She has since tried to let things blow over by being cordial to you -- smiling occasionally, waving, etc., and you are blowing her actions out of proportion. It is clear, from the many posts you've made about her, that you are hoping that she likes you/is attracted to you.


3) You have somehow convinced yourself that she is messing with your head -- that because you have had run-ins with her in the past and she is now being cordial with you, that she is up to something, when most likely she is just trying to put the past behind her and keep things civil at the gym. It's totally understandable that she would do this.


4) You are clearly obsessed with her, judging by the number of posts you've made about her. This is also not healthy. You've mentioned that you've had problems with addiction. Have you gotten professional help for this? Often, obsessive thoughts go along with addictions, and thinking obsessive thoughts is, in a way, an addiction itself.


My suggestions:


Stop going to that gym, or go at times when she will not be there.


While at the gym, focus on working out. Don't pay attention to what other people are saying or doing.


Seek out counseling to help you deal with your anger, paranoia, and obsessive thoughts. I suspect that you could benefit from talking to someone about these issues and undergoing a course of therapy.

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I saw in some of your past threads that you asked about how drugs change people and if you can ever go back to the person you were before the drugs started. I'm going to take a leap & say you started using drugs? What kind? You know that some drugs will make people neurotic & suspicious that someone is "out to get them".


I'm wondering if you've been harboring these strong negative feelings towards this girl continuously for the past 2 years. Since that first event where she gave you a dirty look, have you thought about her in the past couple years as much as you are now?


Is it possible these strong, negative, obssessive thoughts of her started around the time you started using?


I think your judgement is clouded by the drugs you use. You can't talk a drunk person into being sober with a cold shower & a cup of coffee; it just doesn't work like that. We are trying to feed you some logic here & you just aren't accepting it.


Are you going to get some help with your drug problems & psychological issues? It would really make your life a lot better.

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anyway,i hate her for being nice to me because despote all the crap she gave me also,she is acting likeNOTHING happened.She is as much fault for this as i am.I'm not saying i'm a saint,but why would she be like this if she knows she could have psychologically damaged me also?

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Doesn't it strike you as odd that you feel the need to keep this going? Her being nice pisses you off? What would your dream outcome be-an tearful, humble apology from her, for doing whatever it was she did?



And yes i

d like her to apoligize for some things.Smiling and waving doesn't fix things...

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anyway,i hate her for being nice to me because despote all the crap she gave me also,she is acting likeNOTHING happened.She is as much fault for this as i am.I'm not saying i'm a saint,but why would she be like this if she knows she could have psychologically damaged me also?


So are you going to apologise to her? Because by your own admission you are at fault BIG TIME, yelling at her and getting in her face, two years after she rejected you.


You want her to apologise to YOU, but you don't recognise your terrible behaviour. Although you must do to some degree, or you wouldn't have made a thread (your 25th thread about her in the last month) entitled 'Is this unacceptable what I did'.


There have been over a hundred replies, each one saying that your behaviour is not acceptable. Why aren't you listening to them?

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So are you going to apologise to her? Because by your own admission you are at fault BIG TIME, yelling at her and getting in her face, two years after she rejected you.


You want her to apologise to YOU, but you don't recognise your terrible behaviour. Although you must do to some degree, or you wouldn't have made a thread (your 25th thread about her in the last month) entitled 'Is this unacceptable what I did'.


There have been over a hundred replies, each one saying that your behaviour is not acceptable. Why aren't you listening to them?


And yes in my own way,i did apoligize....isn't being a freakin gentlemen towards her enough?It's just that she doesn't even appreciate THAT gesture.It MUST be cultural with her...To make it worse,she wants to get with my crowd at the gym.I ain't having it.She really freakin pisses me off...I'm leaving her as the odd person out and saying hi to everyone else.I wonder how she feels about that...

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And yes in my own way,i did apoligize....isn't being a freakin gentlemen towards her enough?It's just that she doesn't even appreciate THAT gesture.It MUST be cultural with her...


And maybe in her way, by smiling at you and not referring to the past, SHE is apologising to you.


Let it go, man. You sound more and more close to the edge with every comment, especially all the nasty little references to her culture, which seem racist to me.

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And maybe in her way, by smiling at you and not referring to the past, SHE is apologising to you.


Let it go, man. You sound more and more close to the edge with every comment, especially all the nasty little references to her culture, which seem racist to me.


Again i don'y know why she pulled off all that crud in the first place.All i did was give her a damn compliment and she blew it outta proportion.

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Let it go, man. You sound more and more close to the edge with every comment, especially all the nasty little references to her culture, which seem racist to me.

Yeah because i hate her...and she is even lucjy that i didn't go off....She has to think about that before pissing me off again...

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Again i don'y know why she pulled off all that crud in the first place.All i did was give her a damn compliment and she blew it outta proportion.


Well, you won't answer any questions. I think you've got major issues, and it's actually kind of dull talking to you, because you just refuse to engage, and I've tried, others have tried. I'm bored with this.


I'm out of this thread, it's going nowhere.


But as a last word - if you keep this up, you are running a number of serious risks; although I am much more worried about the target of your obsessive behaviour. Please get help.

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C'mon, now MAN UP and tell us exactly what is the "crud" she pulled.


What was the "damn compliment" that she blew out of proportion?


Being truthful about what was said is the only way we can possibly know who is the one out of line, here....


Like i said so many times....all i did was lok at her with another guy ...and he told her what i said and she threw a hissy fit.All i said was that she was hot...And he told her that,and i guess she somehow took it as a disrespectful form of harrasment....The day after that she looked pissed...

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C'mon, now MAN UP and tell us exactly what is the "crud" she pulled.


What was the "damn compliment" that she blew out of proportion?


Being truthful about what was said is the only way we can possibly know who is the one out of line, here....


And about the crud she pulled i said it about 3 or 4 pages before this again like 20 times.

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C'mon, now MAN UP and tell us exactly what is the "crud" she pulled.


What was the "damn compliment" that she blew out of proportion?


Being truthful about what was said is the only way we can possibly know who is the one out of line, here....


He ogled her at the gym, and she wasn't receptive to it.


She also had the temerity to try to ignore it, ignore the OP's behaviour and be Iranian. What a B! ~rolls eyes~

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And yes i

d like her to apoligize for some things.Smiling and waving doesn't fix things...


You are investing way too much energy into someone who is simply an aquaintance. Her actions, her opinion, etc. should not be so important to you that you get this riled up. How can you be so angry at someone you only know in passing, at the gym? Have you ever talked to her outside the gym? Have you ever spent any time with her? I'm guessing the answer is no, and if that's the case, you're completely blowing this out of proportion.

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