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its been 10 months now since the break-up

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I dated this girl for close to 3 years when she broke up with me 10 months ago. It was a horrible breakup on my part. I was heartbroken to find out the girl I would marry some day just wanted to leave. Anyway, throughout these 10 months she has gone up and down with me in her emotions. I still haven't won her back. I've done such sweet things for her, and in my attitude. Can't she see that? Sometime she gives me hope of getting back together, other times she bluntly states for me to move on. All in all, I am a fool for her love. I love this girl more than anything and even close to a year later, I can't stop thinking about her. Although I realize we are different in religion, and have a long distance between us, it doesn't bother me. I really want to try one last final attempt to win her back before I give up. I go through a lot of hurt with her, and I just can't take it no more. Is there any ideas on what i should do? Or should I leave it up to her?

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Hi Tryingsohard,


I noticed that you did not mention the cause of the breakup. Is it due to your long distance relationship? Or the religon difference?


It sounds to me like she is quite firm about her decision. It would help us better if we could find out the cause. I certainly hope that it is not due to a 3rd party.


In the meantime, access your relationship with her. Does she possess traits that you cannot stand or tolerate in the long term? This is one simple yardstick I use to measure relationships. We cannot change people for what they are.


Hear from you soon.

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Okay I agree with knight bear Get over it cause if you have to prove you love her and want her back and she doesnt know if she wants you then she isnt worth your time. Go find someone else who will love you and want to be with you and you don't have to prove your love for her. Its her loss not yours keep that in mind.

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hi tryingsohard!


About ur situation wit this girl, u should consider many different things.

First, has she gone out wit anyone else ever since the break up/ is she seein someone now? 3 years is a long time and I'm sure it was a big part of her life as it was urs also. I got out of an 8 month relationship wit someone and it's been about 6 months ever since the break up. I sometimes have a hard time and so i know it hurts real bad. (eventhough mines wasn't as long, it's the way u feel not the time that goes by) well I think a lot of things are resolved through a one on one conversation. No one blames u 4 what u feel. And what ur feeling is normal and understandable. I think u should sort out feelings within urself and be honest wit her. ask her 2 sit wit u and let her know how u feel then ask her what she feels about what's been goin on. It's not good 2 wait a very long time 2 do something like this cuz even if she hasn't been in another relationship ever since, soon enough she will be. i dunno if it's happened yet. but trust me it feels even worse when ur so in love wit someone that's wit someone besides u. Give her some time 2 think after the convo and she can respond say within a week or so....whatever time u'd prefer. I wish u so much luck wit her and i hope u feel better. There's life after break ups. If she's not willing 2 be wit u ever again, it'll be best if u start moving on cuz it'd be 4 ur own good. and if things don't work out wit her, it just means that the one is out there 4 u and when u find her u'll be very happy wit her. sometimes things don't work out the way we want them 2 but things sometimes aren't meant 2 be no matter how much we wish they were. I know how u feel and believe me i hope everything turns out great! ~Tweety~

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I am sorry to see you going through such a rough time. I understand that you are very hurt and in a lot of pain. I am sure you miss her a lot.


I don't say stop trying or keep trying. What I say is: see how you feel. It looks like you can't get closure of this for some reason. At some point you have to understand that you might have done everything you can. It is almost impossible to actually force someone to love you, no matter how you feel over this woman.


It looks like that your feelings for her are hurting you. I would like to point out, that there's a life out there waiting for you. It is okay to try to win her back for you, but I suggest you keep your eyes open.


Good luck!!


~ SwingFox ~

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