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Valentine's Day - why the fuss? Ban it.

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I believe that Valentine's Day should not be celebrated. As with Xmas etc it is a cynical marketing excercise.

It makes people like myself who are long term single feel bad that they do not have a partner.

I wonder, have you checked out the prices from flower sellers etc? Funny how the prices go up to as much as 25% in the week leading up to doesn't it?

Why do people fall for this rubbish? Why do you need a special day of the year to do these things? Can't you do it all year 'round?

As usual I will be drinking like a whale on the 14th Feb & trying to ruin as many 'happy' couples BS Valentine's Day as possible,


your bitter,



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Bleh, why ruin it for the others?

I do agree that it's a commercial "holiday" and I'm not very eager to celebrate it myself, eventhough I have a gf.

I believe that you can just as easily do it any other day with your mate.. One day to prove your love for him/her? I don't know.. Seems kinda fake to me in a sense that you have to prove something just because everyone else does it and that the day dictates you should.


I am not against other people celebrating it because the day isn't special to me. Obviously I have never felt down because I haven't had someone to share this day with before either. My guess is that those who dislike Valentine's day because they're lonely would love it if they had someone to share it with.. So why lash out on those who enjoy it?

It's like saying, "We don't have much oil left.. Let's steal it from another country". Beh.

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I've never had anyone to share Valentine's day with but if I did I wouldn't just do it once a year! At least once a week.

It's odd that people go gooey & soppy for this one day. Let's be realistic here, realtionships are started through physical attraction & mostly perpetuated by that. I am no better looking on the 14th Feb.

I just wish people would wake up to being mugged.





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Relationships aren't always started by physical attraction.

I met my gf because of an online game that we played, one day a couple of the players (including me) were Out Of Character and that's how me and her got into talking via MSN. We got together and stayed together for about eleven months, she broke up and now some week ago we got back together again on her initiative.


We knew eachother for about three months before we ever met in real-life.. And I guess what I fell in love with was how she treated me like an equal instead of someone who's younger than her. How she thinks, her ideals and dreams.. She is very beautiful, sure, but that's not the first thing I noticed.


Perhaps You need to get past the belief that relationships are started through physical attraction.

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I prob get a ticking off for this but your statement:


'Perhaps You need to get past the belief that relationships are started through physical attraction.'




'Relationships aren't always started by physical attraction.'


is utter twaddle. Prehaps that helmet of your is blocking 'reality rays'. I don't like it but that's the way it is. Image & how you look means everything nowadays. Would people buy, let's say, Beyonces music if she was ugly? Of course not. Chicks can find a perfect match but won't go out with them if they are not considered good looking. They would not do it becuase they will be chastised by their friends & it's just 'cool'. Sorry!



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Oh and one more thing since I didn't read the whole thing between you two. Relationships are about the physical because i both of you couldn't stand to look at each other I doubt you two would have even started dating let a lone havin git last that long. It's not rockect science.

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Prehaps that helmet of your is blocking 'reality rays'. I don't like it but that's the way it is. Image & how you look means everything nowadays. Would people buy, let's say, Beyonces music if she was ugly? Of course not. Chicks can find a perfect match but won't go out with them if they are not considered good looking. They would not do it becuase they will be chastised by their friends & it's just 'cool'. Sorry!

Then I am sorry to say that the girls that you sniff around seem to be airheaded barbies. And as far as I am concerned, the appearance of musicians have no effect -atleast not on me.. I dislike Beyonce's music but I agree that she is good-looking. I would never in my life, and after that, buy her music just for her looks. How stupid is that? I listen to bands with male singers and I don't buy their albums because they're good looking - infact, I don't care or even think about how they look =P.

(I mean.. Would I be closer to getting into her pants if I bought her album and got that picture of her on the cover? Would I listen to her music if it was awful but she looked so good and I had dreams involving her in my bed of clouds?)


Relationships are about the physical because i both of you couldn't stand to look at each other I doubt you two would have even started dating let a lone havin git last that long. It's not rockect science.

Of course.. Appearances do matter but IMHO they come second to the personality. While I'm on the musician-subject, let me take Britney as an example. She looks good and I bet a lot of guys and gals agree with me on that, but I deeply dislike her personality and I would never ever go into a relationship with her, stardom or not.


My current girlfriend and I had only met for short moments before our first date and we were both infatuated with the other. We got to know eachother over the net and ya can't say anything else about it, really. If it's too hard to believe then I suggest you try it for yourself or move to a place where there aren't so many idiotic guys and gals.


Good luck

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Shoong......you're killing me! Helmet blocking reality rays? Classic!


I agree with you about this Hallmark Holiday. There is no reason everyday shouldn't be Valentines Day if you really love your partner. I'm a romantic (believe it or not) and when I was still with my ex I always bought flowers/cards/dinners out/etc. Then V-Day would come and I would feel the need to "out do" other chumps that don't do anything unless they have to.


Now I sit here at work and listen to all these women talk about what "Bobby" or "Richard" has planned for this weekend. They all seem to try to "one-up" each other about how sweet they're significant other is. I say BS! I bet a cool Million that half of these blind B's aren't getting anything for V-Day. Their good for nothing b-friends are probably going out with the boys on V-Day........getting lap dances from "Trixie and Jade".


I'm with you Shoong you funny bastage! I'll be drinking and spitting all day. I'm supposed to take this girl out to a nice wine bar, but I really don't want to make it like a V-Day thing. Now I might turn it into a 12 pack, pizza, and a DVD on my HD Widescreen TV!!


Take care!

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i totally agree with Shoong and CK i really dont see the point in celebrating valentines day, its just any other normal day theres nothin spec about it except everyone gets all mushy and it just make me sick.



i think that you shouldnt need a special day to tell someone you love them they should already know it, besides what are you going to gain from a card and a box of chocolates except a couple of pound and a loads or rubbish which you will throw away in a couple of days anyway. i think its a load of crap.


so have a great valentines day everyone

~LJ =;

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If you are bitter about Valentine's Day, then you fell for the hype yourself just like you are accusing others for. If it really is just another day, then why be bitter about it. Let the other people have their stressful day.


If you are single and happy, fine. Just be what you are and quit complaining. Be confident in yourself. Why the selfish need for everyone else to feel the bitter along with you.



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thats a pretty interesting opinion actually, your right though, it is about marketing, thats what its all about in some sense, well for manufactures anyway. and yes the prices do go up.


but do you know what, this year im celebrating valentines with my boyfriend without the gifts or the presents just by being with him. its all optional, there isnt a label on valentines day that says you have to buy gifts and if so, i think its put out to people who want to be anonomous or initiate a first date.


valentines day is just a day of loving.


i dont think we should spoil it for others, but you have a valid reason for not enjoying it also.

i hope you have a good day and dont get too bladdered.


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Of course.. Appearances do matter but IMHO they come second to the personality. While I'm on the musician-subject, let me take Britney as an example. She looks good and I bet a lot of guys and gals agree with me on that, but I deeply dislike her personality and I would never ever go into a relationship with her, stardom or not.


My current girlfriend and I had only met for short moments before our first date and we were both infatuated with the other. We got to know eachother over the net and ya can't say anything else about it, really. If it's too hard to believe then I suggest you try it for yourself or move to a place where there aren't so many idiotic guys and gals.


Good luck


So your going to tell me if you see an ugly girl with a great personality that she is automatically in because of her personality? I'm sorry not to be rude, but I don't believe that. Most people want both. They want their cake and eat it too (I know that's a stupid cliche, but it happens to sum my thoughts up better). People who say personality first and looks do matter usually mean; I want the total packadge. Rarely will people stop and think in the real world nobody is perfect and we all have a flaw one way or another; weather you are a pretty/handsome idiot, or a non attractive smart person, or an attractive crazy person. It's just that most people would choose the stupid good looking person over the not so good looking rocket scientist. Not saying your a bad person, or anybody else id but I think people generally take the material thing too far.


BTW you can't just tell anybody to get up and move out of your area because you don't know their circumstances with money, ect. I wish I could move out of New York; I mean I love NY and it will always be in my heart, but I can live without the people who inhabit it who 90% of the time turn out to be complete idiots.

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I think that looks will get you the initial encounter with the person, and personality is what keeps you there. If your meeting online, personality first and physical attraction later.


I don't think it's a matter of "looks" as much as it is physical attraction to one another. Everyone has their own idea of what beautiful is...maybe these "ugly" people are the most amazing wonerful people....and they are lucky for not having to deal with superficial bums who think appearance is what makes someone beautiful...


As far as appearance in POP music...yes, they are selling an image and of course they need super sexy flashy IMAGES to sell their music because it's lame to begin with..and they really aren't more than the IMAGE, because they don't write their music, they don't put themselves into it--they are just a tool to sell records..marketting...


Which brings me to my last point....valentines day.


It's great for kids, they have a party at school, they get to exchange valentines, etc...


As for adults...if you want to get caught into the marketting fiasco of showing your love this day GREAT - but you really should be showing it all the time, not just this one hallmark holiday.


I don't think it should be ruined for those who indulge...why be so bitter?

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Anybody who says looks dont matter and only personality matters is either lying or is a saint. I'm yet to see a good looking guy or a good looking gal going out with an ugly looking gal or a guy, so i'm going to go with lying. We got to accept the fact that in the west we live in a materialistic world where beauty and money rule. But a good personality is like a bonus for a long lasting relationship.

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Yep, gotta go with pchellak on this one.

It's the world we live in. Does Valentine's Day represent all that is shallow & materealistic western world we live in? Do you think if people actually sat down & thought about it they would care so much? It seems to me most men would not be offended at not receiving a gift but most women would take it as 'your dumped'..?

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If you are bitter about Valentine's Day, then you fell for the hype yourself just like you are accusing others for. If it really is just another day, then why be bitter about it. Let the other people have their stressful day.


Valentine's day can be special without all the gifts. sometimes people get sooooo caught up in daily life that they don't appreciate eachother the way they should. alot of the times Valentine's day is a day that you can remind that special someone just how special they are to you.


For valentine's day my boyfriend and i didn't buy eachother anything. we went to a movie and then went back to my place. i made a very romantic dinner, and afterwards we took a bubble bath together. the whole night we just pampered eachother and talked. It gave us a chance to bring more romamce into our daily lives.


Yes i have to agree that people do sometimes misunderstand the importance of the day. most assume it's all about the gifts...but it's not about that AT ALL. Valentine's day is supposed to be about love. The love you share with someone special and when you don't have someone special you tend to be bitter towards ANY holiday like that.




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Boxcar1134, thanks for the reply. I'm glad you had a nice time but I'm not really interested about your Val Day to be honest.


The day is supposed to be about love but it isn't anymore I'm afraid, it's about selling stuff.


But then you're only 18 (thanks for reminding what I didn't get the chance to on Val Day by the way) & one day when you're older & more experienced you'll see what I do. Oh to be young & naive again!



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Uggh I just despies that day, and I despies those who celebrate it. Yeah I'm bitter, why because I can be. Also because nothing you people say will make me think of this day any better. Right now I can think of a few more harsh words to say, but I don't want to go overboard and rated R for you young teenagers and PG 13ers.

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