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What are the main reasons virginity would be a 'turn off' for some?


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I've seen a lot of questions related to this on here, and also on other sites. I guess a lot of men and women are worried that their inexperience could be a problem for someone they are considering having a relationship with. I never used to be worried about this, but i think reading about it so much has kind of scared me a bit.


What i have read is mostly reasons why a man would be 'scared' to be with a female virgin, so i guess this is the part i am asking about for now.


So far, these seem to be the reasons some guys don't like it:


-worry that the girl will become clingy

-worry that the girl must have ''issues'' if she is still a virgin

-worry that it will feel awkward and will not be fun


What are the other reasons?


I just wanted to add that i'm sure there are plenty of non-virgins who can be clingy/awkward/have issues! lol So, i personally don't get it.



Is there something i am not understanding

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EDIT*: One more question: If you find yourself really starting to care for the person and you want a serious relationship with them, would it still matter that they're inexperienced?


If that's the case, it shouldn't matter than they're inexperienced. But then again, we don't live in a perfect world..

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I think the girl's expectations are way too high (basically what everyone else said)


My expectations the first time were actually pretty low. But I have a very frank and honest (and awesome) mother.


Yes, I will remember my first time. And yes, it wasn't great as far as sex goes. But it was with someone I loved and that made it a wonderful night. It got better.


The right person won't care and will be patient.

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the only reason that a virgin would be a turn off is that, aside from religious reasons, id think "what is so off/odd about this guy that he'd still be a virgin."


This is kind of what I don't understand though. It's possible that he just wanted to do it with someone who cares about him. I don't really understand why people would think there's something "wrong".


Plus, I have met non-virgins who have plenty of emotional issues or baggage, so yeah... We all have issues. We can all be odd.


I can't understand this.

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This is kind of what I don't understand though. It's possible that he just wanted to do it with someone who cares about him. I don't really understand why people would think there's something "wrong".


Plus, I have met non-virgins who have plenty of emotional issues or baggage, so yeah... We all have issues. We can all be odd.


I can't understand this.


i totally understand whate your saying but it just is.


im not from an area where holding onto your virginity is something common, or even remotely common. it would just be so uncommon to run into a guy that wants to save himself for someone special, which is fine by me. but if i met a guy and found that out i wouldnt think "oh hes probably saving it for something special" i would first think "whats up with this guy, whats his deal that he is still a virgin". i wouldnt think less of him as a person, but id def wonder if he was a possible date.


just like if i met someone who never had a "real" job. its not that that person is a bad person, ya just sorta think "whats up with him that hes never had a career". its just something that makes me wonder...


and for the record virgin... not a virgin, the person can be odd either way, its just one of many things that would make me say "hmmmmmm".

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the clingy part. i won't hook up with a girl if i know she is a virgin. they get the wrong idea of what we are immediately. they assume we are together.


Yea, I guess you right about that one. See at times I start thinking of the reason why I'm still with my b/f. Yes it's love but besides that then what else. And I found these following reasons....

1) The way he talks

2) Attraction off course

3) Bonding too

4) LOL, you already say it in your post, yes hard to just let go esp. when you remember the exact day when it happened

5) Same reason as number 4, LOL


But yea, come to think of it, maybe experienced people should date their own kinds while newcomers should be with beginners as well. LOL, ghost now you would be lukcy if we ever break up and you meet me, LOL.


Now since I stated my reasons about why I'm with him, I wonder what are his reasons of still being with me, why was he not turn off. Why would an experienced be yet with the beginner?

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it doesn't take to be a virgin to become clingy after sex. i think for a guy who's very experienced it may be a turn off if he's inpatient to teach the girl what he likes. nevertheless, i had a cousin who was a player and yet he dated a few virgin girls and was in long-term relationships with them so you never know.

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