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should i use a condom if my gf is on birthcontrol?


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Yes if they really have strong feeling for you they'll go get tested for you and with you. You go with her! if u find out that you both are clean i still say use a condom. and make sure u trust her. Some gurl do a will lie to get prego. Ive seen it happen and it happens more often then u think

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ok guys no shes not trying to get pregnant shes a 17 year old girl who just finished applying for her post secondary education. i highly doubt her plans for the next decade or two is to have kids with me. and she was a virgin before we had sex so the chances of ehr having an std is not terribly high. what i was wanting to know was how much would u trust birth control pills for pregnancy alone

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ok guys no shes not trying to get pregnant shes a 17 year old girl who just finished applying for her post secondary education. i highly doubt her plans for the next decade or two is to have kids with me. and she was a virgin before we had sex so the chances of ehr having an std is not terribly high. what i was wanting to know was how much would u trust birth control pills for pregnancy alone


You'd be surprised how many 17 year old girls are in a hurry to start playing house.


No one thinks that their girlfriend would do this to them.

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Me and my boyfriend have been going out nearly a year and are very serious. From when we first started having sex, I was on b-control and he knows that take it PERFECTLY because I don't want kids ever. And he pulls out as an extra percaution. I don't want to take the risk of him cumming in me even though I'm on b-control.


And I got tested before him so I know I'm clean, and he had never gone kissing with a girl before me so I know he's clean.


thereforee no need for condoms!

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