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Oh no, I think I hate Christmas...(rant)

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1.) The horrible rampant crass uber commercialism and materialism crammed down your throat the second American thanksgiving is over

2.) Those wretched over played full volume, everywhere xmas songs (I particaularily detest the ones sung by pop stars.

3.) The chipmunks (who thinks that * * * * is in the least bit entertaining or funny?)

4.) Buying gifts for people who are impossible to buy for and aren’t appreciative of it anyway and you had to fight for parking and stand in line for 45 minutes to get.

5.) All the fake cheer and the gaudy decorations

6.) Useless gifts received – some cheaply made junk from China and destined for the landfill

7.) Family (OK, maybe just my family)

8.) Enforced, must attend corporate xmas parties, insincere xmas cards

9.) The politically correct and endless “happy holidays vs Merry Christmas” debate – let’s not offend non-Christians (even though non-Christians are among the first to say “Merry Christmas” I guess no-one consulted them to see if they were actually offended.)

10.) New Years eve – let’s start the fresh new year off by being broke, bloated and hung over


On the positive - I like how people decorate their houses with lights and I do like how it brings out the charity in some people. Some Christmas songs/hymns are nice - the more traditional ones anyway.


Deck the halls with Clementine flaming!

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The only good thing about Christmas is that it marks a big vacation from college classes, lol.


The chipmunks are intolerabe, I'm with you on that one. I also can't stand family get togethers because my mom's side is very close and in your face about everything, and at no point in the day can you enter a room that's empty. It's just not possible. They are everywhere. Luckily we're not seeing the extended fam. this year.


Christmas music has been cheesy and boring as long as it's been around.


My mom gets really into it...every square inch of our house has a christmas light on it. I told her the only way she could honor baby Jesus was to drive the electric bill up to $1,000.

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LOL, you made me laugh i like the way you wrote that. I like celebrating Christmas, but I agree with a lot of what you wrote. What bothers me is that it's supposed to be a happy time for ppl who want to celebrate it, but it just becomes so stressful in every way. Also, shortly after halloween, you can already see Christmas decorations in the stores..it's like everything is rushed into so quickly that there's not as much excitement and anticipation

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The only good thing about Christmas is that it marks a big vacation from college classes, lol.


The chipmunks are intolerabe, I'm with you on that one. I also can't stand family get togethers because my mom's side is very close and in your face about everything, and at no point in the day can you enter a room that's empty. It's just not possible. They are everywhere. Luckily we're not seeing the extended fam. this year.


Christmas music has been cheesy and boring as long as it's been around.

My mom gets really into it...every square inch of our house has a christmas light on it. I told her the only way she could honor baby Jesus was to drive the electric bill up to $1,000.



I'm a verrrry christmasy person. i LOVE christmas. i'm a consumer slave sooooo i love buying things for people! i get so excited when i go shopping for/making gifts, much more excited than if i were to go buy things for myself! I love it when it makes people happy.


I hate the happy holiday crap too. i refuuuuuuuuuuse~! it's happy CHRISTmas, end of story.



i'm pretty bummed out because i won't be in canada for christmas. i'll at the airport in tokyo. i hope they're big on christmas. my lights are already on. i love houses that are super decorated. i wish christmas lasted longer!



haha.. sry got a little toooo excited there.

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I am about as far away from the Christian side of things as it gets, but you can call it Happy Jesus Day for all I care. I also do not understand why that's so offensive, especially since my beliefs on religious issues are much stronger than most of the people advocating for it not to be said.


The only way I've managed to avoid spending money so far is by telling everyone not to get me anything. I feel like I can't be guilt tripped into buying anything if I'm not getting anything. Receiving gifts is just plain awkward, too.

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I am about as far away from the Christian side of things as it gets, but you can call it Happy Jesus Day for all I care. I also do not understand why that's so offensive, especially since my beliefs on religious issues are much stronger than most of the people advocating for it not to be said.


True. It's not as if I'm so feeble minded you greeting for a merry religious holiday are going to throw my theological groundwork in a tizzy and make me blow my head off..



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I love everything you hate. Except that the Christmas music starts way too early. I don't know who you know, but the good cheer around me is genuine. My family kicks butt, also. I love Xmas! And I don't ever expect gifts, I love giving and my friends and family are always apprectiative. But what would I know, I live in L.A., which everyone knows is full of shallow people. Not.

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ah, christmas. so bittersweet.


i like having a nice dinner with my family and being able to have some wine and just relax and do whatever.

but i hate the whole gift-giving part of it. this is how i feel about it:


if you are going to someones house on christmas, it is nice if you bring a bottle of wine or a cheese basket. something that can be enjoyed by everyone while you are there. OTHERWISE, gifts are so unnecessary. especially since you hardly ever like what someone gives you.

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I agree with this statement: Also, shortly after halloween, you can already see Christmas decorations in the stores..it's like everything is rushed into so quickly that there's not as much excitement and anticipation.


I know.. i hate that they ruin Fall for me. Fall is my favorite season of all the year, and they just forced the stupid Xmas decorations down everyone's throat. I hate how people just start sticking up Xmas decorations before and the very day of Thanksgiving!

I also hate how the media tries to guilt trip you into spending way more than your means. Besides, we've had so many deaths in my family lately, I hardly have anyone left to buy for, and since so many are dead in my family, I hardly get any gifts at all anymore!


I also like the christmas lights though, that's probalby my favorite part of it all. I like the way people decorate their trees outside or the wreaths they put... I am a visual person so all those pretty lights. .they are sort of a turn on for me.


But.. I do think that people need to think more of what the season represents, the birth of Jesus, than spending billions of dollars just to make themselves feel validated about Christmas.

I'm putting up a tree this year, but not sure there will be much to put under it. Still.. at least we are still alive & breathing.. that's a cool thing.


well, I hate those christmas songs! They play them all over the place, in the stores, the malls, it's enough to drive you nuts.. Unless it's a really traditional song that song by a great singer or band, then they are cool.

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Christmas isn't what it used to be. I hate it, nothing good comes from it. For me its just another day of the week. It makes me miserable so I hate it. I hate the music, I work the seasonal department and I have to hear it all the time. Only part I like is when you've bought something for someone and you want to see their reaction when they open it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh man... I hate Christmas too.


I hate how everyone is "too busy" year round except for Christmas to get you a gift AND sometimes they are so "busy" instead they give you money. I'm a firm believer in, if I see an item that is an awesome gift for a friend or family member of mine and I can afford it Imma buyin' it right then and givin' it to 'em. I also hate the commercialism of it all. I'm an atheist but I would much rather Christmas be more religious than commercial. At least the religious aspect comes from the heart unlike the commercial side. I also usually do not buy my Christmas gifts. I make them and if I do buy them it's online. I'm not venturing to a department store at this time of the year. I made the mistake a few days ago of going to the postcard floor in Loft and ohmygawd... everyone and there mom was there buying new year's cards to send off. Apparently in Japan, it's "the thang" to do. I also always freaking get sick at Christmas. Blech. And I can totally relate to the family thing. Gah. Yeah. I'm 100% there with you, Clem. lol.




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