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Most of us are here because someone took a chunk out of our hearts and wouldn't give them back. Unfortunately, the pitfalls and heartache just seems like a never ending cycle.


It seems like a million questions run through our minds. When am i going to get over this? Why did she leave? What did i do wrong? How can i get her back? Every question seemingly harder then the next to answer until you are sick to your stomach and you just want to rip out your own hair and cry until your eyeballs fall out.


The pain that we all go through is quite normal. You don't have to apologize to anyone that you are hurting. Know that you are capable of loving someone that much and i hope that each and every one of you will find a better SO then your previous one or you and your SO that you were with previously get back together but if that is not the case then i hope these steps will help you in the long run.


1) Try not to think of your ex as often. After the break up, we constantly think about them. What they are up to. If they are trying to find someone else. Why we broke up. Things of that nature will often set you back and will get you nowhere. Try to take it second by second at first. Whenever you catch yourself thinking about her, switch the subject in your mind and see if you can concentrate that energy somewhere else.


2) Go out with friends or family once in a while. Do not be a couch potato because you need to keep your mind and your heart busy. If we allow ourselves to get to depressed (which is natural after your SO leaves) then we become counterproductive in anything that we do. If we constantly worry about our ex, the healing process will never begin and we stay in a vicious cycle. Going out gives an opportunity to keep the mind and heart busy for a little bit and give you an emotional rest that you truly need.


3) Store or get rid of most of the things that your ex gave you. I cannot stress this enough. It is really difficult to get over your ex if you have a picture still in your room with the 2 of you (I am guilt of this one and ended up putting me back a bit as i used to stare at that thing like it was going to go back to what it used to be). You have to put everything that was the two of you away, so you can come home or get in your car and not have the floodgates open about the 2 of you being together. It's hard to let go of someone if you are constantly being reminded of them.


4) Let time be your friend. Do not expect to come out fresh and clean in a month. Let your heart heal. Do not try to force this issue. You can do everything in your power to get over this but it's not going to help if you expect instant results. Time does really heal all wounds, let it take it's course and if you can keep busy, the pain will start to let up a little. And the more time you give this without thinking about them as much, the more the pain will let up until it is almost gone.


These 4 tips is the things i used to get over my ex. I believe that if you do this with No contact with them, it might help you get over this unfortunate heartache. I know from experience that the pain is sometimes far greater and that we all have emotional lapses but i believe that if you can look forward without looking too far back, you can make it through this and become a stronger, better person because of it.


Good luck to everyone who had their heart broken and is trying to heal.

My inbox is open if anyone wants to talk.



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