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should I leave my son home alone?


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Hi guys,


I would like to have your opinion on this. I am a newly single mother of an 11 year old boy. He is used to be me left alone for no longer than 1 hour at a time during the day and is good about it (doesn't answer the door, doesn't go outside, knows what to say if the phone rings, doesn't have his friends over while I'm out etc...)

Now being newly single, I lose my "sitter", and I still have to be out 2 nights a week, one night is from 7:30pm to 10pm, and another from 7pm to 10pm, and I really cannot afford a baby sitter.

I don't know if I should leave my son alone for 3 hours at night, I personally think he's a little too young for that, but I've been asking around and a lot of people tell me it's fine if he's mature enough and knows how to handle emergency situations. I do have very good neighbors that he could call or run to if anything ever happens. But I really don't know what to do. So I'm asking all you parents out there, what do you think?

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Don't do it.


I remember the fear i used to feel as a small child when i was alone. How the creaks in the floor of the house would send my heart racing and me imagine my greatest fear was coming to kill me... the brave face you put on after. But the fear and loneliness at the time.


Don't do it. Can't you pay someone? Doesn't the father contribute to child maintenance?

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I don't know what to tell you... My mother was in a Band when I was around that age, and my father would often be on call, so whenever they left they made sure I had a list of all the numbers and stuff. My mother would usually give me a choice, go to band-practice with her, or stay home, of course she would be worried. For the most part I stayed in my room and played video-games until she or dad came back, or I fell asleep. I don't know about legality's, but it has to do with your child's comfort level as well as your own. I would suggest working on responsibility, safety, and even cooking with them. The earlier you start the easier it will be I would think... In all honesty it's up to you for the most part.

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Guess I'm in the minority here because I don't see the problem...maybe...Here are the questions my husband and I asked ourselves before we left our oldest home by himself (after we checked if it was legal-it was):

1. How far away are we going to be?

2. Was there someone (neighbor) he could call or go to in case of emergency?

3. Would he be able to contact us if he just got scared or needed to?

We also made a rule that he was to call us from his cell phone if the phone or doorbell rang.

If 1 was

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Another option would be to "trade" nights with one of his friends. Maybe contact one of his friend's parents and see if he could go to his house on the nights you need to do something and the friend could come to yours a night or two a week or if the friend has a sibling that you could watch one night on a weekend so the parents could have a date night. The subdivision I live in does a babysitting co-op but I don't belong because most of the people who belong have girls and they would be bored as heck at my house and my boys would be bored as heck at their house...

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Normally my parents would take him, but my mom is starting chimo in a couple weeks. Anyway, I have made my decision, I will not leave him alone, maybe in a couple years but for now he's too young. I will figure out a way


Thats good.


I think 14 is a good age to start leaving them alone for short periods of time. Its legal for one thing.


But i remember all about the fear.

And how i'd be brave and pretend to my parents i wasn't afraid because i didn't want them to be upset.


The fear though, the image of myself huddled up trembling stays with me though.

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