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Incorrect use of the word "gender" (I've had enough)

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My thing with it is when growing up, I just didn't say the word "sex" even referring to male or female. Sex can also mean intercourse, so, it is more taboo to say. Also, another thing that always bothered me about the word sex is that there are only 2. Male and female. Male is technically a being who has a Y chromosome. While a female is everything else. Hermaphrodites are automatically male. And those with 3 X chromosomes are automatically female, even if they show no female traits.


It leaves no room for a middle sex in the scientific sense of the word.


Oh get out!


Deep thinking debaser one. !!! LOL

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Hey, trust me, I hate when people address a room full of girls and say "HEY GUYS" or people constantly ask me what church I belong to, or people constantly ask me when I'm going to get married, or how many kids I want... but people just aren't ready to completely ditch their closed-minded, traditional ways.


But we all do it at some time or another, subconsciously, and this forum is much more open minded than the real world... I think you should address your rant outside the forum. It is valid, but unfortunately lost on most people.

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I am not gay but I am part of a minority in other ways and have learned throughout my life to try to choose my battles and reserve my stomach acid for those situations that are particularly egregious. I also don't appreciate when people - often strangers - voice assumptions about me based on superficial facts they think they know. I often make assumptions - I think it's human - but I don't express them, especially to people I don't know - because I am certain that often they are wrong or even if right won't be appreciated by the listener, understandably.

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