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Why do I feel guilty?


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If you’re not dating, is it ok to spend time with two guys? I feel a little guilty…and I really don’t understand why. I met Guy A about 2 months ago, he’s a bit older (27 and I’m 20). We get along very well, we have great conversations and are attracted to each other. We had a talk and I told him that because I was moving back to the States in a month I wasn’t looking for anything long-term. I don’t really have a permanent residence at the moment so I don’t want to get hurt by getting in a relationship. (Due to school and work, for the next 2 years I’ll be living in UK, Texas, Southeast Asia and New York). He agreed and said that he felt the same way. We had sex. It was my first experience having “casual” sex.

Anyhow, there’s also Guy B. Guy B is someone I met in London and I’m very attracted to. We’ve hung out a few times, he’s gorgeous (I know, I’m being superficial) and we have the same sense of humor. He always initiates meeting up and is a true gentleman. However, we haven’t even held hands yet because Guy B said that, since I’m leaving soon, he doesn’t want to get attached.

Story of my life: I like Guy B more, but slept with Guy A. Both guys said they can’t be with a girl who’s wondering the globe and can’t settle in one location. I’m not in a relationship with either guys, but I still feel guilty for sleeping with guy A…? Should I be?

Sorry if that was really confusing!

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