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how to make a friend more attractive to women


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I just don't know what you're talking about.






Do you know what they are talking about now?



I was having a kind of discussion with some friends and a topic that was raised has made me think. It's common that an individual might not engage in a society's mainstream, and not necessarily because he/she is rebellious but because his or her personality or values don't gel with the mainstream. It's kind of like if a person in college doesn't like to go partying or chase women a lot, because partying and dating don't give him pleasure.


And I can kind of see how this is possible since everybody is different and thus would seek happiness in different ways.


How would a person go about seeking others who also don't gel with the mainstream, since their personality is not attuned with it?


Here you seem to be so okay with accepting someone who isn't going with the "mainstream" yet in your current post you are so judgmental of someone who doesn't follow along with how YOU think they should be. Quite hypocritical don't you think?

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I know it sounds bad, but his features put us off. I guess my sister and i are quite aesthetic.


Well, will you or your sister be dating him? No. So, let it be.


Who CARES if you or your 17yr old sister don't find him attractive or interesting? No one. I'm sorry but you are NOT doing this out of kindness. You are being mean and hateful to this man and you should feel sorry for yourself. You're no better than he is.


As to whether or not you're referring to yourself, I don't know but if you are... clearly, you feel very bad about yourself and for that, I'm sorry. But just know, someone out there will love him/you and it probably wouldn't require a huge change on his/your part.

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Well, will you or your sister be dating him? No. So, let it be.


Who CARES if you or your 17yr old sister don't find him attractive or interesting? No one. I'm sorry but you are NOT doing this out of kindness. You are being mean and hateful to this man and you should feel sorry for yourself. You're no better than he is.


As to whether or not you're referring to yourself, I don't know but if you are... clearly, you feel very bad about yourself and for that, I'm sorry. But just know, someone out there will love him/you and it probably wouldn't require a huge change on his/your part.


no one likes him though, and we can't help it! His brings hatred on himself.

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You can't be mad that no one's telling you how to change him. The point is you shouldn't try. Thats like coming on here asking advice on how to kill someone who cheesed you off. People wont give you suggestions, they will tell you "Dont do it!! Please!"

Extreme example, but... point is no one's going to advise you to do it because you shouldn't. The best thing Ive seen on this thread would be to find stuff you do like or that are at least positive things that make him happy, and encourage those... You can't turn him into a athletic star or a suave pick up artist. Thats not who he is. If you want to help, work with who he actually is, not what you consider normal.

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You can't be mad that no one's telling you how to change him. The point is you shouldn't try. Thats like coming on here asking advice on how to kill someone who cheesed you off. People wont give you suggestions, they will tell you "Dont do it!! Please!"

Extreme example, but... point is no one's going to advise you to do it because you shouldn't. The best thing Ive seen on this thread would be to find stuff you do like or that are at least positive things that make him happy, and encourage those... You can't turn him into a athletic star or a suave pick up artist. Thats not who he is. If you want to help, work with who he actually is, not what you consider normal.


People like him need all the help they can get though. Heaven help him and all people like him!!

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Him getting attention is none of your business. Stay out of his business and once again i'll say maybe you should fix yourself before you try to fix others. Since you seem to have such issues with yourself.


I don't have any issues. I think he's a joke and he needs help.

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I'm baffled as to why you are denying this. Again, you posted several threads about these issues. Anyone can click on your user name and see them. I even posted links to them as did several other ENA members. I'm finding it increasingly hard to take your posts seriously.

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