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How important is GPA for employers?

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The fact is that your GPA will lock you out of certain jobs regardless of anything else. Employers want to see that you can commit yourself to something and do it well. I have even seen my own employers go through resumes and separate them based on resumes and the low GPA resumes simply got thrown out.


That said, I didn't put my GPA on my resume and some employers didn't bother to ask or if they did were still impressed with other things...so I do think there are some employers out there that will overlook it...but they are few and far between and you have unfortunately locked yourself out of some of the higher paying jobs out of the gate.


Later on though with enough experience...it doesn't even come up in interviews or conversation. I'm glad I don't have to revisit that subject again and let my work and experience speak for itself.

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Depends on the job you are going to do. Some employers have minimum requirements for certain types of roles. In my field, for example, even with 2 degrees and 17 years of experience, I had gpa come up in one job description recently (asking for a 3.5 minimum).


This is only for my industry though - might be different in others.

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Depends on the employer and the kind of job you'll be applying for. Different employers and positions have varying requirements and standards. Some don't really require a very high grade. If you have experience on a part time job and you have good referrals, or if you have engaged in worthwile extra currirular activities in school, this might compensate for a relatively low GPA. Employers are now realizing that grades are not the sole basis for hiring employees.

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dont sweat it man... i have like a 2.75 in college i am graduating in january with a business degree from a difficult business school..so i have had many interviews already not to mention i work 35 hours a week... only 1 job has asked me for my GPA... I think its stupid to look at GPA because school just isnt for some people like me or at least it doent motivate me very much... work does and making money does motivate me... just because you have a GPA under 3.0 doesnt mean the person with the higher GPA will be a better fit than you... i guess it just all depends on the job... for business degrees i dont think it matter too much

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