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I just quit smoking. I am on day 3 or 4. I went cold turkey and I am having a nervous break down. I have not slept in two days. I could cry at anything and everything and to make matters worse I am taking on my insecurities out on my ex and he may think I am crazy.


Everytime I start getting along with him I go crazy!!! What is wrong with me...

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Quitting smoking is hard, but believe me, it's worth it.


Try drinking lots of water to flush all the impurities out of your body, and remind yourself that you're doing something really good for yourself.


I quit for 8 years, but took it up again last May AFTER my divorce was over. I am quitting today so your post gives me extra incentive.

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It is the quitting smoking but I do not know why I would start bugging him because of my sensitivity. I guess I am just confusing my emotions. It has been long enough since the break up that I am not suffering from missing him.


But it is totally hard. I thought about the gum and patch but I have never used them when quitting in the past. I have always gotten moody but never insomnia...

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It is the quitting smoking but I do not know why I would start bugging him because of my sensitivity. I guess I am just confusing my emotions. It has been long enough since the break up that I am not suffering from missing him.


But it is totally hard. I thought about the gum and patch but I have never used them when quitting in the past. I have always gotten moody but never insomnia...


Could be why you never really quit...


Nicotine replacement therapy was the only way I could quit, that and saying that I refused to be a slave to something that was killing me.


Don't let cigarettes run your life...


The patch to keep things even and the gum for instant gratification, I used both, they say not to but "they" also tell you smoking will kill you.





I smoked on a daily basis for 20 years, I am 10 years smoke free

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