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circumstantial love


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Has anyone ever ended a relationship due to circumstances? For instance, the relationship itself was great, one-on-one interaction was fine, but then you throw in external, albeit significant, factors like distance, culture/religion, family, etc., and the strain gets to be too much? I feel that while these things aren't insurmountable, if one party wanted to opt out, you couldn't blame them. Has anyone decided to let go of a relationship because of these factors, and how do you feel about it? Do you wish that you'd gone back and tried harder, or do you feel justified that sometimes physical things get in the way no matter how strong the emotions are?

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I think circumstance is part of love,relationship or marriage and family.We cannot ignore it because everyone could not jump out of a certain circumstance.


My ex and I broke up because of long distance and my parents dont like him.

Actually I was still working hard to persuade my parents but he suddenly gave up,he didnt want to wait and continue.

I let him go,even after several months he came back to me and wanted us back,I didnt come back.Because I find he is not the right one for me.


The fact is if you are self-confident enough about your love,circumstance cant be a problem.You will find a good way to overcome all the difficulties. But if yourself doubt it first,it will not work.

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I had a relationship ending because of distance (accross Europe, about 1500 km). We were great together, but it was at that time impossible for either of us to work in each other's country. But, deep down, I am convinced that if the relationship had been stronger, if we would both have been convinced of it the way I am convinced about my current partner now, we wouldn't have ended it for this reason.

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