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women: how do you feel about beards?


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i just have a question for the girls out there: how do you feel about men with beards? granted there are all different styles of facial hair for men, so share what kind of styles you're into (if any) what do you like about them? my female friends very in their opinions and it's always interesting to hear their reasoning.


i'm a college guy with a beard and mustache, though nothing too intense. i was considering shaving the beard so i figured i'd make it a fun discussion topic in the process.

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I personally don't care for full beards, or just a mustache.


In my opinion, I think just a little bit of stubble is very sexy on a guy. I also don't care for kissing guys with beards, bc after awhile it starts to hurt. But my ex had one, and I dealt with it. I still found him attractive, but I prefer clean shaven, and some stubble.

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I always prefer some kind of facial hair, seems more manly to me. Two-day old stubble is my absolute favorite, and I don't like long bushy beards - I once had a friend who joked that he liked having his beard because if some food fell into it he could save it there for later - ewwwww! lol

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I like small beards (kept clean and short)

I like gotees

I like stubble

I also like clean-shaven


I guess I just am not a big fan of lineups though. A small line is fine, no designs though please. Oh and keep the moustache short!! No big moustaches please, it gets in the way.


Mmmm hair

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I think girls in general prefer clean shaven guys or guys with a little stubble. When I was clean shaven I attracted way more girls than I do now. Last year I went 3 months without shaving and grew a pretty thick beard. Now I have just a thin goatee. I think I look way too boyish without facial hair.

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Look at my facial hair

(Oh man, hot damn! It's everywhere!

Where'd you get that beard?)

I grew it

(How'd you keep it so clean?)

I shampoo it



I really wish I could grow a moustache

(Why don't you?)

Well, frankly, I don't have the cash

You gotta take care of your facial hair

Otherwise it gets scruffy and bare


The elements of style

For the beard owner

The essential manual

For owners of beards


Trim it, cut it, comb it, style it!

Clean it, and set with violet

Love it, but don't get violent

Rub it, but not in public

Eat with it, but don't get messy

The only rule is, keep it classy


La la la la la la la la la la la la


I was on a fishing boat

And I tried to grow a beard but it wouldn't float

(Oh no!)

Three weeks later, out at sea

I realised this beard wasn't working for me

I tried to shave it off, but I had no cream

Everyone on the boat could hear me scream



The elements of style

For the beard owner

The essential manual

For owners of beards


You ready?

Let's go


Love for me and love for you

Love for each other

Baby, be my boo


Love for me and love for you

Lust for my beard

Look at what I grew

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i just have a question for the girls out there: how do you feel about men with beards? granted there are all different styles of facial hair for men, so share what kind of styles you're into (if any) what do you like about them? my female friends very in their opinions and it's always interesting to hear their reasoning.


i'm a college guy with a beard and mustache, though nothing too intense. i was considering shaving the beard so I figured I'd make it a fun discussion topic in the process.


They feel like a scouring pad and they scratch the skin of others. It makes you look like Grizzly Adams if you let it grow out of control.


So unless you want to look like the cavemen from the Geico commercials, ditch the beard or trim it if you can make it look like a goatee!

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