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ok my friend was talking to my boyfriend over the internet and she told him as me taht i kissed my ex boyfriend and that i still liked my ex boyfriend but that never happened and now i think he is goin to dump me what do i do i like him alot and emailed him and told him what happened.so what do i do now?

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Emailing somebody is just not the same as talking to them in person, either on the phone or face to face. You need to talk to him in person. You said that you "friend" told him. Well, I do not know about you, but none of my friends would go around spreading rumors about me try or not. Sounds to me like there is a reason for this person to want to break you and your boyfriend up. You need to be careful on what you tell this person in the future.


You never stated what really happened here, so I must go with the information you gave. Call him up and tell him that you feel that you need to talk to him and tell him the truth. Communicate with him and let him know all. If you made a mistake then tell him and hope the he understands.


Good Luck


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