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A Great Date, So follow your heart!


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I didn't take the advice of some eNotAloner's and went ahead and went on a date. It's only been 3 months since my boyfriend of 4 years and I broke up. I've taken up feelings for a guy friend I go to school with and luckily enough he asked me out!


I had a GREAT time. The conversation flowed, we laughed and we joked. We saw a movie after dinner and even then the conversation (what I was worried most about) did not stop and did not get awkward. It's been so long since I had a genuinely wonderful date.

So for those of you out there who are sticking your foot back in that freezing cold dating pool, dive in. A bad date is JUST one bad date. It might take time but things are going to get easier. Wait until the good comes, even the tiniest bit of good, and search for it on a larger scale. Be yourself, be confident and be happy. And most of all, follow your heart. If I didn't follow mine I would've sat home last night watching Sex and the City the movie alone. Instead I had dinner and went to a movie with a very handsome guy who I like very much. Go ahead and get out there. You'll find a great date to

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That's great that you had a great time. Most often that first date is not with someone you know well, so "following your heart" might not "work" because it involves a near-stranger (or a complete stranger). I do agree that getting back into dating as soon as you can is a great idea - a date can just be lighthearted fun getting to know someone while doing a fun activity and can be a great confidence booster, as it was for you.


Good luck with the new guy!

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