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Chucking it all, to start over.


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My belief in life is that when your comfortable your not growing.


I'm seriously considering moving to the Southwest. Mainly because I enjoy warm weather climates and the culture of that area is appealing to me. Basically I'm looking for a change of scenery.


I've been checking out Tucson, AZ or Las Cruces, NM. As for a job, income, compensation, I tend to view the world as full of opportunity. I'll find a job when I get to where I need to be.


As crazy as it sounds, I'm really looking to shake things up a bit. Test myself out and see if I can survive. What is the worst that can happen?


I won't find a job, I'll run out of money, and I'll fail.


My theory is that I'm still young and have plenty of time left to make these mistakes.


Good idea? Bad idea? Anyone else out there ever done this and been successful at it?

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I feel like I am at this point in a way too!


I want to run off to Italy...


Minneapolis...no wonder you want to come to the heat! My sister and her husband live there, and she was just out visiting me for awhile, in Arizona, and then when she got back a couple weeks ago, she said, mel it's already getting coooold!


I think you are right...we are young, this is our time to try, and if we fail...Oh well! Take a new path, try again...it's okay! Good luck to you!

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Been feeling and seriously considering this myself! Not the Southwest, but that sounds quite nice!


Skills are transferable. Things are replaceable. This day and age, friends and family can easily be kept in contact with at relatively little cost.


So long as you do some research and have a plan for worst-case-scenario, why not?


Winter is coming my friend. lol. Long, long winters.

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As long as you have a safety net then you won't fall on your face. It is exciting to move to a new city and start over. I just did it myself, drove accross country. Best part is that I had a place waiting to move right into thanks to viewing properties via the Internet. It is a real hassle to unload into a storage unit then load back up then unload again. Ugh.


I can tell you Arizona was hot every place we stopped along the way. Hot, hot, hot.

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I figure I would respond since I've been in the Phoenix area for about 2 months now. It's a good place to retire and the cost of living is low for a reason. If you're in the health care industry it's a perfect place to find work or a chip design engineer. The hot weather to me is fine and hasn't bothered me at all, although I was told the other day that I missed the 120+ summer the year before. Tempe is definitely the hot spot, since it's next to ASU and it has all the bars, unless of course you want to head up to Scottsdale for the "trendy" clubs.


Honestly, for me I think the nostalgia is wearing off. I'm definitely glad I moved to answer a lot of questions, but sorta of like captainplanet I now realize what I missed with all my family and friends back home; my support system. And yes, the internal problems you have will follow you until you resolve them, although this sabbatical I've taken has helped.


Anyways, like you stated, you are young Borashi and I think it would be a good thing to get a little taste of a different place. I also think you said you like motocross in another thread, which this is a big motorcycle/harley state. Also, you're not required to wear a helmet in this state, although I think that's a dangerous idea.

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I'm in these shoes right now... except slightly opposite. I'm moving out of the heat into the cold (I know... crazy, right?) ... but, again... change!


From California all my life to New York in less than a month. I won't lie... at times I'm a mess of anxiety... totally nerves and scared. I'm completely jumping out of my comfort zone here... I've talked to some companies, but I don't have a for sure job yet (still too soon, and well... 3000 miles is a bit far for the interview yet)... it is frustrating! But other than that, I am doing this for school, and for change, and for ME... so its gotta be done. Just like you said... sometimes you hit the realization that you NEED the change. And I did.... I do.


So.... Clearing off furniture to donate and get rid of it this weekend and next... and packing boxes to ship. Next month I drive... and drive.... and drive. At least I have a place to stay lined up already...yay!


Good luck making your decision... it can be exciting and nervewracking, but hopefully very rewarding.

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I did this..June 3rd I packed up my life and moved from Ontario to Vancouver BC...i didn't know anyone out here, it was really nerve wracking but I wanted a change after the couple years I have had...it was the best decision i ever made...i was FREAKING out before i did it...you can look back and find all my threads on that but i have never been happier or more proud of myself, or felt more like i am exactly where i am supposed to be...

i definitely recommend it as a way to challenge yourself!!! good luck and keep us posted!

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