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falling apart..

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basically, I find myself falling apart


my girl left me 3 months ago

my mother is dying of cancer

Ive been unemployed for a while now and cant find work

An old friend just died

I seem to be sleeping all day now

Im falling apart and just feel like giving up.


I dont know where else to turn


hi there.

i'm sorry you are finding yourself in this situation! i too know how it feels when it seems your world is caving in around you. i lost my boyfriend last month, and it's been the hardest battle since then. i have the days where i just want to keep sleeping too. the hardest thing to realize in these times, is that you have to turn to yourself. no one else can get you out. this is what i have been dealing with, and it's so hard! you have to take it slowly though. think of what you CAN do in this minute, this hour, this day. Sometimes, that means simply getting out of the bed. Sometimes, that means looking at job listings. The power is in you! Just be gentle on your soul...you've gone through some difficult things, but you can win this battle. Take it slowly. This is what I have to tell myself too. One minute at a time...


lots of love to you,


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It has been an equally miserable year for me too:


Brother diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer; also gone to brain

Father is in beginning stages of Altzmeiers (spelling)

Broke up with ex three-months back-least important on list

Still looking for a job


I didn't list these problems to try and compare them with yours, it isn't possible.


I know that things can be soooooooooooo overwhelming when we are dealing with these sorts of issues. I guess the only way I can handle them is to try and appreciate each day and all of the people I am blessed to have in my life. I never take anything or anyone for granted any longer.


Because of the health issues, I can only look towards the positive, miracles do occur, even with cancer. I have recently joined a cancer support group (Gilda's Club) which has been very educational as well as uplifting and entertaining, believe it or not.


It also helps to get yourself out and involved in new projects and people, I am doing things that I never thought I would be doing. I am also very active in volunteer activities, it really helps when we are able to focus on others needs to get our minds off our current problems.


One last suggestion is meditation. It helps clear the mind and is very calming.


I wish you the very best, I know how horrible all of this is. If you wish to PM me, feel free.

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