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I want to send this to my ex

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I hope you die. I hope your soul burns with the guilt of what you did. I want your whole existence to reverberate with the pain that I now feel. You came into my life and just destroyed it. Built me up with your love and then ripped my heart out. Left me a empty shell. Rot in hell. I pray you get your heart destroyed. Then you will know what I feel day in and day out. The happiness in your life slowly disappearing til there's nothing left and you want to die.


f you, die b****

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actually if you were to send that (I know you wouldn't send it), you'll only just re-affirm to your Ex that she made the right choice in breaking up with you....


Bingo. If you send this to her then it will have the opposite effect. The only thing she'll say to herself and to her friends and family is "See! I told you so! This is why I left him. He has an awful temper, and he's a hateful, mean-spirited person."


Your little email, meant to hurt her, would actually prop her up. It would be exhibits A through Z on why it was a great idea that she dump you.


So, in conclusion, if you want her to feel great about leaving you, and make sure that she gets over you FAST, then send the email.

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If an ex had sent me this, I would have thought, "Wow! I dodged a real nut case there. I was right to break up with this loser." True, that's what I would have thought and so will she. You do not want that. Let her think it had little or no affect on you. Then, you win. If you send this, she will most likely show all of her friends and they will all feel sorry for her and laugh at you. Again, you do not want that.

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i agree. don't send it. it won't make her feel guilty. it will just give her the power by seeing what state she's put you in.


i wrote some angry emails after i brokeup w my ex, and almost sent them, but never did - and realized later it was definitely the right decision.


channel your anger into something else. take up kickboxing, go to a heavy metal concert

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Bingo. If you send this to her then it will have the opposite effect. The only thing she'll say to herself and to her friends and family is "See! I told you so! This is why I left him. He has an awful temper, and he's a hateful, mean-spirited person."




she cheated on him and then lied about it to his face. of course someone is going to react in a mean spirited way to something like that.


i think it will fill her with guilt and if it makes him feel better, then why not.


exploding, i would add something like..........' i know in time i will heal and will experience happiness once again, but the guilt and shame of your actions will always haunt you'

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She would feel guilty, I'm sure. I want her to pay for what she's done. I loved this girl more than anything. And she tore my heart out. "I only pray the guilt and shame of what you did haunts you for the rest of your life. You had true love. Someone who would have loved you forever, and you scarred me forever. f-you, rot in hell, die. Oh by the way, ask the new guy what I taste like.."

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she gave up. and left me in a world of hurt


She may have gave up, but it's up to you to pull yourself out of your world of hurt. Use that anger to your advantage.


You're a strong person, I can tell. So get your ass up, and don't let some woman continue to control your feelings.


(this message is brought to you with much love).

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why shouldnt I send it? I think she needs to know how I feel. Then she will feel guilty. She NEEDS to feel guilty.


Would you feel guilty? Or would you feel guilty for a second, then realize you got the best of someone and then get a confidence boost?


Don't send it, you'll just give her satisfaction, and an ego boost. Ignoring someone like that lets them know they aren't worth being chased.

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