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Do high school girls tend to like new guys or something?


I'm not relatively new to where I live (lived here a year since x-mas) but there are still a lot of people that do not know me or have ever seen me in some of my classes. A lot of girls seem to be attracted to me to. I don't find myself very attractive but people tell me I am. Well I always noticed the girls I have never seen looking at me or flirting with me. There is one girl in my English class who glances at me quite often and one time smiled at me when I caught her eye. I also heard a guy friend of her yelling to me to "call her" and she keep hiting him and telling him to shut up. I've also been asked out by 4 different girls since i moved here. Only one of which i've dated and I've only asked one out, which she was busy when I asked and I never got the nerve to ask out again. I have never had this treatment before from girls until i moved her (or maybe i just didn't notice it).


But I'm just wondering are these girls interested in me because I am a new face to them or because they might actual find me attractive, I'm not very talkative, more of the shy type, so they can't know much about me.


O well...


Cya'll Later.

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Being a girl...most females do like new faces because it is something different. Not saying that they are honestly attracted to you, but I have liked a guy just because he was new. Maybe one girl truly does like you and other girls found out and now they like you too. High school girls have a tendency to want something that someone else wants. If I were you I would take advantage of the situation. Dont doubt yourself in that you think that these girls may not truly like you. Some like the shy type. I am attracted to that and I have my boyfriend to prove it. Go for the girl that you are interested in and dont be afraid to step up. Take advantage of the situation. Dont be afraid.

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I moved to a different high school (years ago, when I was that age), and yes, I noticed the same thing too, a lot of girls seemed to take note.


It's a great chance to make a bunch of positive first impressions. You're the new guy, that's don't remember the sometimes odd little kid from grade school that had such and such a negative incident happen one day. Not having a history in high school can be good. You're mysterious, and the girls will be interested to find out if there's anything interesting to be learned about you.


Whether they actually like you or not may not be relevant. What is relevant is the fact you have a great opportunity to meet them. When you do meet them, that's when you can come accross well and have them start liking you. You've got your foot in the door, so to speak.

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