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too weird?


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When I was growing up, I used to volunteer with my best friend at my temple's library on Sundays. I did this for at least four years. For most of those years, there was a family friend working there with us and we became very close to her. I haven't had any contact with her since I graduated from high school and have always wondered how she's doing. I randomly decided to google her and I think I found a current email address. How weird would it be to email her? I feel kinda stalkerish.

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Yea it's just been so long and she's not my age or anything. She's my parents' age...but I seem to get along very well with that age group haha. Most of the women I'm friends with at the gym are in their 40's or 50's.


I'm afraid she might think it's weird that I googled her name since I haven't seen or talked to her in like seven years.

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Well, some people may think it unusual I suppose. But some won't.


You've nothing to lose by sending it. As far as you're concerned, she's an old friend who you wish to inquire about. Odds are she will respond.

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I agree with the others, I'm sure she would be flattered to hear from you. I think you should do it! But find some other way of saying how you found her, maybe that you got her email from a mutual friend or something.

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There really isn't any other way. It's her professional email too. She works for a school district. I haven't talked to anyone in a long time that has had any contact with her. There'd be no real reason for me to have been on the school's website. I'll probably just let it go.

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