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I Love Cuddling


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Just like the tittle says, LOL! I just love cuddling! I love to cuddle with women. It's just such a great feeling to me. I know, other "stuff" is cool, but I just love the feeling of caressing and snuggling up. Does anyone else feel this way with their significant other?

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My ex was amazed at how affectionate I was. She was not used to it. She had never dated anyone who was so loving. She used to comment all the time about how she loved when I would come up behind her while she was cooking and hold her, usually kissing her neck. We would sit like that sometimes until things started burning. She commented one day about how she felt so loved by me because I kissed her lightly in the middle of the night for no reason. We would cuddle on the couch and in bed for hours. Pure bliss. There is not much more I like than laying in bed on a rainy day, cuddling, talking, having sex, cuddling some more. That and cuddling while watching movies at the house.


With that being said, I wonder how her new boyfriend is treating her. I doubt very seriously if he even holds her hand as he is a gun loving narcissistic redneck - which is what she has dated all of her life. I would bet quite a bit that she misses that part of our relationship for sure.

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I could care less about cuddling. To me it's silly. Ain't nothin' like the real thing, baby! Cuddling will never replace getting some action. Noway, nohow. A hug now and then is nice, though.


lol you are a very tough woman!


Most women I know would cuddle for hours if givin the chance.



As for myself If only I can get a chance but that probably won't happen.


Looks like fun.

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