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Kissing at movies?

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I was wondering what people thought of kissing at a movie. i've never done it and i always thought it was not the appropriate place to be showing your affection for your loved one.


what do people think when they see a couple making out a movie, and for those who've done it, don't you feel uncomfortable when it seems that everyone is looking at you?

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Well, I see a difference between "making out" at the movies and "kissing" at the movies. If you're planning on making a spectacle of it, then I'd suggest to save it for a more appropriate and secluded time... but as far as passing a few kisses, I don't see any problems there!


In short, if the movie theater is pretty empty, and you're in the back, then I wouldn't worry about it. If you're sitting towards the front at the premier of Lord of the Rings... well... I'm sure you see my point


Hope that helps, have fun!


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I have to second S.A.M. s post. "Kissing" at the movies is a normal occurrence - a personal display of affection that happenes countless times a day. However, if you choose to play "tonsil hockey" with your significant other, may I suggest a ore appropriate, intimate time and place for that?

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Some people jsut can't keep their hands off their partner.. that's the healthiest relationship i can think of.... i see no need for me to hold back my affection/emotion/physicality just because i'm in public.. i'm not gonna go down on my girl in a theatre, but if i want her i'll let her know.. get my point?

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i dont really see a problem with it, although as said there is a difference between making out and general kissing.


but still hands down to Pengui6668...go on son! i think he has the best to say, i mean i dont see a problem with publicly displaying affection for my boyfriend, if i did id see it as shame and im deffinitley not ashamed of being with him. i enjoy being with him, and i dont think i'd deliberitley chose a place either just for people to look at us. i mean if you dont enjoy it dont look thats my moto anyway. different people different principles. but i would deffinitley respect someones views if they didnt appreciate it!



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I have difficulty myself displaying affection in public. But i don't mind when others do. Yes, it can make me a tad uncomfortable, but that's no problem, not theirs.


A hot and heavy make out session maybe seems a little over the top, hand hold, kissing, even a nice long one, is okay.


Other thing I wonder though, why pay to go see a movie, then make out the whole time. Doesn't that seem like a waste of money if there's no interesting in seeing it in the first place? I suppose for some though it's the only place they can find to be 'alone'.


Too bad, the world still needs drive-ins, and they're almost extinct.

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sorry i haven't replied, i've been away for christmas


thanks for everyone's opinions on the subject. as for my girlfriend and i, we've only gone to one movie so we never really have to deal with the idea. but i definitely agree with ash, what's the point of paying for the movie if you're not going to watch it? it seems like it is a pretty pointless concept when there are plenty of other places you could go to makeout. so that's my opinion on the subject

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