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Is it wrong to write a letter to my ex? HELP!

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I have posted all about my breakup. Im completely broken here. I need help to know what the best thing is to do!


I spoke to my ex last night and even though he loves me would rather not give me another chance to make things better, not see my face, feel my touch or breathe me in. He has said he needs time to know whether he is happier without me I suppose.


I told him in a casual moment during the conversation that I would be sending him some photos of his birthday he seemed ok with this and said he would like them. Is it ok for me to send a letter along with that telling him that true love should always deserve a second chance????


Im completley heart broken!! PLEASE HELP!!!

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I have not about your breakup, but I recently broke up with my first girlfriend, and I feel empty as you. The best thing is is to just deal with the pain, and leave the other behind. I recommend that, if you do include a letter with the pictures, you write anything but a suggestion of getting together.

I went through that same thing of asking for a second chance- it goes nowhere. All you'd do is annoy your ex and could possibly ruin the chance of any further communication. Give him space to miss you, give him space to ponder about what's between you and him.

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Hey Heart Broken


Sorry your having to go through this during the holidays. Join the crowd. I just went through a break-up myself. I know the pain and long suffering you have to endure. As far as a letter, I love to write. And because of the way I broke up. Their were alot of loose ends. I did write a long letter, expressing how I felt. I did not beg and I did not act desperate. I just expressed how I felt. I then put it to bed and left it at that. Nothing about getting back together or hooking up. It was my form of closeure. And I needed something. Lets just get through the holidays, 2003 was a really bad year for me and relationships. 2004 will be our year. Write the letter if you have to, and you think it will make you feel better.


Keep your chin up.......




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Write the letter, then put it in a drawer and don't send it. Sending it to him would not bring him back to you, and might do the opposite. Wait at least a few months before contacting him to let him know you'd be okay talking to him. Don't push for a restart.

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Hey Heartbroken.


I'm sorry you're in so much pain around the holidays. I went through a break up a few months and only recently did she decide to come back into my life. I love to write. I find it helpful when my mind is flooded with so many thoughts that writing them on paper helps me express myself and my feelings. Like kuhl said, though, don't beg or act desperate. Just express how you feel. It is cleansing and will help you bring some closure. If he said he needs time then there's really not much you can do but give him time and space to reflect on life without you and is he happier without you? I don't know how long the two of you were together or what happened that he needs time away from you, but I would write the letter and send it to him. Give him space and, as tough as it may be, limit contact with him. Let him miss you. 2003 was a really bad year for me and relationships also. 2004 will be a better year.


Stay strong.



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