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How can I do this?


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If you have seen my other posts you will know that I was trying to get with a girl I've known for some time now. anyway we are engaged now( still over the moon about it) and over the past months we have had a good sexual relationship. There is one big problem with it, she hates condoms. we are both worried about kids before we are married, but well once while during a moment of heavy passion she begged me to take the thing off and i only learned about precum the other day. we have talked about the pill yet we both say that we don't like the idea. (my niece once was made to have the pill, it caused her to have a stroke at the age of 17).


what other ways are there to have sex with out using condoms and the pill (I hate condoms too but I'm willing to put up with it)


I want to show her this thread so she will understand that it will not be that easy. any help will be great.



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there's the cap or the coil as well. Perhaps an implant?

There are two types of pill as well. one is called the 'mini' pill. but for the life of me I can't remember the difference. might be Estrogen only? somebody correct me

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