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Compliments that stand out - everyone!

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Hey, I noticed a lot of people have a hard time expressing interest in the guys/girls they admire - so what's some of the better compliments you've gotten that made you pay attention to who gave them? And what are some of the ones that made you want to roll your eyes and sigh, and got the person giving them a "ugh, hopeless!" in your head?


Also, anything that can "make or break" the effect or impact receiving one has?


I'll start *grins*


Mostly to me a LOT of it is the situation - it's nice when I've gone to an obvious effort to dress up and get a compliment on appearance, but if I'm dressed to paint the house on the other hand... "you're really sexy" just makes me groan. Then something more like "hey, want a hand? You're always fun to talk to, I don't mind helping" works better for me.


And for appearance and such, the unexpected is cool, the one that got my attention best was something like (it's been a while here lol) "I was watching you and your friends, and your personality and liveliness lit up your table. Mind if I join you and talk a while?"


So, anyone else gotten or given some really good (or really bad) ones?

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Lets start with saying Thank You, I was hoping a Moderator was going to bring a topic like this too the forum.


Now i find this interesting because i believe if your going to make compliments towards someone they first have to be real.


Some i use towards girls (have not yet known to well) these are to sort of break the ice.


If she has some article of clothing that i find to be appealing, or stands out my compliment would be


"This color looks superior on you, it accents your personality"


I aim for a direct, but not to direct way of complimenting someone, i Avoid compliments like this.


"Your Top makes your breast look bigger"


She would think your just undressing her with your eyes, Not a feeling she would be comfortable with.



Some that i have been told by someone else


#1 is "wow your tall" not sure if that is a compliment but it seems like it is when it only comes from small people *6'5 by the way*


some others I've grown a custom to are


"You have Big feet" I just laugh at that one makes a good conversation if you know what i mean.


Well i could post on this all day, but really i would just sound like a *Blah Blah * so I'm disembarking for Now, I'll be back with some more later.

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Hmm, well I can't say that I have ever made the first move on them girlies. But what I like to hear are compliments about my hair and clothes. But even more, I like to hear compliments about my personality once you've gotten to know this girl more.


I always hear, "Hey, you look so mean all the time". Not the best way to open up a conversation let me tell you. I hear it a lot but it's just the way I squint without glasses and the way my eyebrows are curved!


And what I usually and honestly tell my friends when they're supporting me are something along the lines of, "You're a great friend. I wish everyone could have a friend as understanding and kind as you."

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Best luck is to take your time and find something no one else would probably notice. A lot of women have a fetish with shoos, so take a look, and if there something worth talking about, ie steve madins or better, compliment her on her choice of shose. I do a little homework every once and a while to find out what's hot in womens fashin, not becouse I like to, but it really impreses a woman when a guy can spot fashin. You have to be carefull not to come off as gay so only use a designers name in a search to see whats in style and don't use it in you're compliment.


It also works well in other areas of clothing, but for me, just sticking to the shose is enough work.

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Trying to figure out lines beforehand will probably backfire.

Alot of the skill in complimenting may be in the timing.

There is a time and place for certain compliments and also it matters if you are a guy or a girl too.


A bad time to compliment a lady on looks is right after she's done a big project or presentation. Then is when you should compliment her on her work, her mind or her ideas not what she looked like doing it.


Complimenting on looks needs to be done very carefully in today's world it seems. Sexual harassment is only a few words or intonation away.


Complimenting on specific things that you know she did herself is usually the best compliments. Personalizing them.


"Hi, you look very sharp today, you have a great fashion sense."


Complimenting on the whole outfit is usually a safe bet.

Saying "that's a great sweater, skirt or blouse" is probably bad

coming from a guy.



ask for feedback,

"I like the way you ______ , do have any tips for a beginner like me?"


interest in the same thing,

"I love that _______, where did you get it?, whats the recipe etc."



As for guys, change the way you compliment,

"I really respect the way you handled that."

"Good job."

Think more about the way you would compliment someone in a sports game. "Great shot!"

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For me, the best compliments come about an unexpected topic or from an unexpected source.


I think there are at least two general types of compliment.


There's the expected kind. The kind you sort of have to pay to appear polite or attentive. For example, when you're going out to dinner, and your date has obviously dressed specially for the occasion, you really do have to pay her a compliment. It's expected. Similarly, when touring somebodies newly renovated room, or seeing their shiny new car, a compliment is necessary.


These compliments can be better if they have a little more thought put into them. I don't generally say, for example, "That's a nice dress.", I'll try to come up with something more along the lines of "That dress looks lovely on you." implying that she's making the dress look better than it would on somebody else, that's it not just the dress that is nice.


But those aren't the ones that necessarily stand out. The ones that do come out of the blue.


I got a great one the other night. I play volleyball on Thursdays at the local YMCA gym in a league. They finally handed out our laminated door passes the other day, they monitor who comes and goes. Of course, I forgot mine the next time I played, but the girl at the desk buzzed me through when I said I was there to play volleyball. That was nice. But later on, when the rest of the team showed, and we were talking about the cards, they not only had to show there cards, they got closely scrutinized. I said I'd basically walked right through, and two of my female teammates said basically at the same time, "That's because you look so honest." Now, that was a really nice compliment.

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