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Latest Update After My Breakup

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Hi Everyone,


I havn't been on here in a LONG time. I use to be on this site 24/7 after my breakup with my ex. We were together for 5 years when we broke up and it completely destroyed me. I lost 30 pounds in one month...couldnt sleep..couldnt work...didnt want to talk to anyone unless it was about my relationship. I read books and read websites on how to deal with my situation. I ended going on anti depressants since I was really going downhill.


Here I am just under a year later feeling fantastic. I have been dating really nice girls and have been doing all the things I have ever wanted to do. For example, I am 32 and ever since I was a little boy I wanted a motorcyle. Well...I got my license and got a bike! I met a bunch of nice guys to go riding around with and Im loving it! I have also been getting back into sports and in shape. It feels really good.


I still think about my ex every day and multiple times throughout the day, but those sick feelings in the stomach have gone away. I feel like I am in a really good place now.


For the longest time, I didnt think I would ever be happy again, but thanks to everyone on this site, and Doctors, and friends...I am HAPPY!!! Even though I still love my ex and think we could have lived a great life together....the only thing I can say is that it just wasnt meant to be. If it was, she would be at my side right now. I am okay with this.. We can only "control" certain things in our lives, and we have to just accept the things that happen even if we dont want them to happen.


The main reason for the update was to tell everyone that is feeling down, crying, sick, upset, etc.... You may think you will never be happy again, but you will be! I promise. It will take time...but things will work themselves out.


Again, all I can say is "if it's meant to be, it will be"...


Feel free to message me if you want someone to talk to..I am here for you guys/girls just like you were here for me when times were really tough. I wish everyone the best..keep your chins up and try smilling.



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Thanks for coming back and posting that. I am just about to take a long break from this site as well. I have completely healed as well. It has been a great place to vent and get advice...and I have stuck around because I wanted to help others through my experience. But now I feel that my debt has been repaid so to speak and there are plenty of other great people to fill my void and now I must be moving along

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Im glad my post could help. It really does get better. I know right now is impossible to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but one day you will look back and actually be glad this all happened. It really does make you a stronger more confident person.


Good luck...try to smile, and message me if you need someone to talk to..I would love to help anyone I possibly can.

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