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he is with his ex before me. this is insane. i'm a 2 year rebound. why didn't he bring this up when i confronted him 3 weeks ago!?!


You have my sympathy. This exact same thing happened to me. Mine tried telling me at least 4 times (on the phone) before he actually told me. We work together, and he just blurted it out finally -- soooo awkward and awful.


Try not to think of yourself as a "2-year rebound." Instead, try to think of it in a more positive way -- that you know for sure what is happening with him, and you can move forward. Often, hearing that the ex is with someone else is extremely painful, BUT...it's often the start of really healing and moving on, rather than being in the limbo of wondering what will happen.


Hang in there.

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I'm speechless.... a 2-year rebound?


One of my friends had a boyfriend for 4 years or so, and he started OUT as a rebound but she grew to love him dearly... (until he cheated on her, now she wants nothing to do with him) so don't think that anything you guys shared was a joke.


I wish you the best and I hope things get better for you...

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You were important to him, believe ME. My current bf was a rebound for me, nine years ago! Guess it will last a bit. Don't worry, sometimes exes can cloud someone's good judgment. He may be back when the clouds clear and then it will be up to you to decide if YOU want HIM.

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Ouch! Sorry to hear about this. I guess the best way to look at it is you now have the closure that you were really looking for from him.


He probably didn't tell you as he knew it would hurt you and it's very difficult to hurt someone you were once in a love relationship with. He's probably trying to figure the whole thing out himself.


I agree, it doesn't mean things will last with his going back to his ex, but definitely take this as a cue to move on. It's going to hurt for awhile but you will be OK, you will eventually meet someone else and you will find love again. Just hold your head high, remember that you are a unique, wonderful gal with a lot to offer and tell yourself this every day. Take care of your heart and go easy on yourself, and know that this happens to a LOT of people...you are definitely not alone!


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The odds are very against rebounds, and if they are 90% against, that does mean 1 in 10 do work out. I think my wife's rebound is a slimeball and that she'll figure this out in a few months, and I could be wrong. He could be the absolute perfect guy for her, or he could say "Wow, I'll lose her if I don't change" or vice versa, and they could be together forever. Yes, that's not the most likely path, and it could happen. Its why I won't sit at home waiting for her to come crawling back. Its possible I could have a long, long, wait


I'm sure you meant something to the guy, but if he never dealt with closure on the old relationship and grief, I think it was bound to come up sooner or later. I don't think the future is closed off, and I think you would be doing yourself a favor to give him space now.

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