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I was just in a totally bad mood before with stuff going on. And i did something really truly nasty.


I know of this girl, who cheated on this guy. And I was being wound up about it and i got so annoyed...


Anyway I made a fake facebook account and sent this guy a message telling him his girlfriend was a cheat and a flirt.


I immediately felt really bad, i dont know them and had no right to send that. So i then sent another message to him apologising saying i got the wrong person (his name is common) and i hoped i hadnt caused any problems.


I feel so bad, i know i did wrong but at least i put it right yeah? thoughts anyone?

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I don't think it was bad as you may think. I wouldn't what you did was heroic. It wasn't of good intention, because you were in a crappy mood. Even if you weren't, it still wouldn't be of good intention. This is because you would talk to her first then decide if you should tell him or not, of course thinking really carefully and keep in mind he doesn't deserve her and it is unfair to the relationship. Basically, doing the right thing, even though it may not come a good outcome.


What's in the past is in the past for a reason. To forget about and move on. You shouldn't given him the burden of her past, because he could feel unsettle. Even if she is not the same as before and is totally different. It wasn't a very nice thing of what you did.


I think you should just leave it and forget about them.

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So wait, some other girl is a *confirmed* cheat (you've seen it with your own eyes) and you know she did more than just flirt (which, in my opinion, is fine - flirting with intent ain't so great...) with other men? You know for a fact that she cheated?


If that is the case, well, tough beans for her. I'd give her the old middle finger.


However, if you DON'T have any proof, and saw nothing inappropriate (such as a hand down your boyfriends pants, or her giving you the old evil eye [as in she's trying to screw your relationship], or that kind of idea) then yeah, you were out of line.


Trust nothing you hear, and only half of what you see, and you're going to be well off. Short of that, don't stick your nose in other people's business.

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It seems to me that you really sunk to a great depth doing something so calculated & destructive to someone you hardly know. Are you more afraid of the what goes around comes around thing,or her retaliating,or your place on the moral ladder? No one is perfect & we certainly do make mistakes especially when we are young. But for your sake & everyone who knows you/will know you in the future's sake please learn from this & think hard before you do something like it again. x

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i think ive pretty much been told off. at least i tried to put it right though. can it all be forgiven and forgotton do you think?

Time heals all.


I highly doubt anyone on this forum has done NOTHING they were ashamed of. I've done plenty of things that, looking back, were pretty lame. Learn from your mistakes - that's how life works.


And don't beat yourself up too much - we all make mistakes (often the same ones over and over!)

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