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He brought home to get rid of the negative energy


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So the last few days I have been extremely upset over my boyfriend because of his inconsiderate actions I have been attempting to live a "clean eating" lifestyle and also have been making an attempt to cook him dinner more often and have it ready for him after he comes home for work.

So anyways on Tuesday I made some seafood rice gumbo with shrimp as was planning on having it for dinner together on Wendesday.

So Wendeday comes and he gets home from work and I ask him if he had eaten yet and he says no so I tell him that I made us dinner and that it is in the refrigarator.

Anyways I was reading a book and it was pretty good so around 45 minutes later I get up to heat up the food only to discover that he has already eaten all of the seafood out of it.

So now I am pissed and he is blaming me saying if I wanted to eat it I should have told him that 45 minutes ago even though I clearly told him that I made us dinner not him.

He argues with me for a few minutes and then says you know what if this is how it is going to be if you cook me dinner then forget I wont eat anymore of your food I have better things to do than argue about food when I canget it myself.

Anyways I was pissed and in a pissy mood with him for the whole week and still today.

Tonight he comes home and after a few minutes I smell something burning almost like weed or something so I ask him what he is doing and if he is smoking weed or something (he doesnt smoke by the way)

He sarcasticlly tells me yeah and just continues to walk around the house anyways I ask him what he is doing and he says burning sage.

So now I have a headache and feel a little nauseaus because of the smoke and tell him and he just smiles a little and I go about cooking dinner and as I am doing it I ask him why he decided to burn sage.


He then tells me it is to get rid of the negative energy thats been in the house latelly.

Can you believe that anyways I knew he was talking about me but I thought it was so funny how he decided to handle my * * * * * ieness not by doing what I wanted him to do which was show some appreciation to me and maybe help out with the cleaning instead he chose to buy some sage and burn it and even as I write this I still cant believe it work.

I know I should be mad but for whatever reason I just cant seem to get those negative emotions to come out

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Nice tactic, burning sage to deflect the real problem. Communication issues!


He says there are no communication problems that I just fail to understand that

1. He isnt going to clean up after himself

2. If I cook either he is going to eat as much of it as he wants or if I continue to moan and groan about it he just wont eat it at all.


He is right, though it was more over my desire to control the situation and get some shrimp than it was anything else.

In the big picture it was rather small and a lot of my moodieness has more to do with work than him which he said he understands and thats why he "smoked out" the place.

When he bought the sage it really was because he felt a negative energy in the house and not simply because I had been moody and I must say I do feel a lot better

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Control is relative. He is hiding his inability to communicate with you, with a smokescreen, namely the burning of the sage. He drops hints for you to pick up. That signals communication issues. he doesnt feel comfortable to talk about issues.


What hints are you talking about?

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