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How can you tell if someone is bi or not?

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I know a few girls, and many of them insinuate they could be bi-sexual or turn bi-sexual out of curiosity. However I think it's mostly a load of crap that women use to tease guys, or warn them with. Kinda like, "you better treat me nice, or I might lose faith in guys altogether and turn lesbian."


So what are the REAL ways you can tell if a girl could be bi-sexual?

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Your thinking is as fuzzy as could be. Why would a girl declare that she was bi when she wasn't, when she could just say, "Treat me nice, or I'll find a better guy?"


So what are the REAL ways you can tell if a girl could be bi-sexual?


And that, really, is unworthy of an answer.

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I am sure many of them do it to "turn guys on". When I was still really young - 18 or whatever - and still went to the bar, I remember they used to have a makeout contest near end of night...generally it would girls whom entered with other girls. Sure it turned some guys on....whether it led to anything who knows. Personally I think doing it for attention is trashy and a turn-off but what do I know...


I also think many of them are honest about being bi-curious, particularly if these are younger women still going through figuring out whom they are, and all that. Your hormones at that stage are all over the place and love is very confusing! It is common to have a crush on someone you are very close too like your best friend (female) as at that point love for your friend can feel like "more than love", but not necessarily be bi-sexual in the long run, but it does have you wondering if you are or aren't gay/bi-sexual.


And there are indeed those out there whom may turn to being lesbians or bi-sexual after years of being "straight" - they may have been bi-curious & never acted on their feelings...but I think this is often less of a "I lost faith in guys" as it is "I found a woman I really like".


There is one branch of feminism (there are many many different degrees and this is not a branch I agree with as I think you can be a feminist and love & respect men too!) that does have more hardcore believers be lesbian - but I suspect this is because they probably were either gay or bi-sexual in first place...not because they were straight and decided to force themselves to be with women.

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women are stupid.. but i dont doubt that their are some out there who will say things like that... *spiteful*


Women aren't stupid.


Some women are stupid, but women aren't stupid.


Ask them. I'm bi. I'm emotionally and sexually attracted to both genders.


If someone uses it as a ploy, they're aren't bi, they're playing games and making it harder for people who actually are bi.

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I am a bi woman. I once had a boy tell me he didn't believe me when I told him I was. Since then, I'm very reluctant to tell any guy that I'm bi. I don't know why it's so difficult to believe. And the double standard is funny too. All a guy has to do is suggest he may have bi tendencies and BAM! the world starts declaring him gay. It's hilarious.


Anyway, if I was a straight boy, I would not be so focussed on whether or not a woman was genuinely bi ( I think most women have it in them to be bi, but many don't desire to go there), I would be more concerned with whether the girl was into living the hetero lifestyle or not. (i.e. if you had a potential place in her dreams and desires).

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Women aren't stupid.


Some women are stupid, but women aren't stupid.


i didnt mean all of them.

just the ones who make up stupid stuff like this to get attention.

i came out as bi when i was 13.. well.. so did half the girls in my middle school. 90% of them were just seeking attention. i on the otherhand wasnt bluffing.. so i got the "well you just want attention" speech, and i would say "no, THEY want attention, i am who i am."

women confound me with their silliness and materialism, the girls who arent like this.. i can stand them.

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  • 2 weeks later...
i didnt mean all of them.

just the ones who make up stupid stuff like this to get attention.

i came out as bi when i was 13.. well.. so did half the girls in my middle school. 90% of them were just seeking attention. i on the otherhand wasnt bluffing.. so i got the "well you just want attention" speech, and i would say "no, THEY want attention, i am who i am."

women confound me with their silliness and materialism, the girls who arent like this.. i can stand them.

And that's what pisses me off.


Fake bisexuals who put on a display of bisexual behavior for straight people's amusement are contributing to, if not one of the main reasons, for bisexual people not being taken seriously in their sexuality. They let their 'bisexuality' be fetishized, without ever having to or intending to go through having an actual same-sex relationship in the world at large. The whole 'all bisexuals are hot' thing goes back to the common stereotype in a sort of round-about way, that: "all bisexuals are sl*ts, hence sexually experienced, hence hot."


Using the sexual orientation of a group of people you don't even belong to will piss me off no matter what you sex are.

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I know a few girls, and many of them insinuate they could be bi-sexual or turn bi-sexual out of curiosity. However I think it's mostly a load of crap that women use to tease guys, or warn them with. Kinda like, "you better treat me nice, or I might lose faith in guys altogether and turn lesbian."


So what are the REAL ways you can tell if a girl could be bi-sexual?


Agreed 100%. ANd i see this on this forum and other similar ones, as well as real life, all the time.


SO my question is, what is the main reason you are wanting to find this info out? Are you wanting to pursue a bi girl?

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Your thinking is as fuzzy as could be. Why would a girl declare that she was bi when she wasn't, when she could just say, "Treat me nice, or I'll find a better guy?"




And that, really, is unworthy of an answer.


I think his OP was very spot on.....young women claim bi all the time for attention.


You have your Lucy Lou's out there who you can tell are completely bi...others, not so much.

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