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Well, I aint been on here since Sept last year! I just came back to basically say thank you. This site has helped me a lot, i'm glad i found it!


I've been through hard times, looking back i feel that they were really stupid now.


I've had bad relationships in the past, and now, through the magic of no contact and just listening to my head and my heart, i've gotton over them and i'm now with the most amazing gorgeous guy in the world. i am truly happy and truly in love like never before. We have had our hard times, and are going through changes as our relationship is becoming a long distance one for a year and a half starting monday, but i know we can get through it. i can just feel it. i may have sad times and i will miss him, maybe i'll turn to this forum for a chat and some advice on how to cheer myself up and keep busy. but that side of my life is at an all time high!


I've also had family troubles. i didnt get on with my parents at all. we still argue like crazy, but also get on so much better. ive learnt to appreciate them - they are the ones who brought me into the world and provided for me up until the age of 18. they are my heroes and i love them so much.


I had job troubles. i HATED my job. now, im working for the same company, but in a different department with different people and i am so happy. i sometimes even look forward to going into work.


Finally, i had friend problems. they used to walk all over me, i was their doormat. now, i let them listen to my views, we compromise and do things we all want to do instead of me just going along with plans. i have a great bunch of friends. the only things i wish was that i saw them more. if im honest, ive spent most of the end of last year and the beginning of this year with my boyfriend, i know ive neglected them but ive actually told them why. told them he was moving away and i wanted to spend as much time as i could with him as i would once see him once or twice a month and then from august once or twice in five months. i think they understood, as if they were in my position they would do the same. ive promised i will see them more and i will keep my promise for sure.


Im finally happy in my life (well apart from needing to lose a stone in weight!!!). Im moving up in my career startin a course in september. i will hopefully be with my bofriend for the foreseeable future and hopefully things will keep looking up.


Basically, if you just hang in there and believe in your mind that you can do something, change something, it will happen. even advice from people you dont know on here can help greatly.


thank you all xx

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