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question for girls?


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i like to swallow, i think its sexy. however i must say that my ex tasted really bad so i didnt enjoy it but the two other men i have done that with tasted fine. i guess every guy differs.


i dont love anal, but i will do it- its not always all about me i dont do it regularly but maybe a couple times a year. it also helps when your partner is not that big, so that always made a difference on my willingness to do it.


i enjoy a guy going down on me but i get more pleasure from his hand.

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1. I hate to swallow..disgusting...i just can't do it.


2. Anal sex feels like I have a big poop and can't get it out, lol! It is not a pleasant feeling.


3. Love it when my man goes down on me, but if he didn't enjoy it I would be ok with that...fortunately he does enjoy it.


LOL!LOL!LOL!LOL! This just had my whole office wonder what i was laughing at Thanks I just got busted for this one!....!!!LOL!

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1. I do it but I don't actually like it, the taste usually makes me gag, yuk. I only swallow it because if I spit then I would have the taste in my mouth for longer.

2. Never ever have I done it. Don't want to either. It's a one way street if you know what I mean.

3. Yes but only with the right man!

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I looooove swallowing, its so sexy and its easier (no clean up), and as long as you swallow right away and don't let it linger then you can barely taste it.


I've tried anal twice but not for very long and we stopped but I would like to try it again..


Unfortunately for me my partner doesn't like giving oral sex..oh well

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the reason i asked this question to other gals because my gf she loves giving me oral and loves when i cum in her mouth she enjoys it alot


she loves anal as long as i am gentle enough to begin with and lets me finish there too


this is the best part she loves to sit on me and make me give her pleasure


so thought let me check with others or i just got lucky!

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hey i want to ask this question to the girls


do you like to swallow ? i mean do you enjoying doing that or it is just the porn industry which is making it look like it ?

do you enjoy having anal sex ?


do most of the girls enjoy when there man go down on them


If I like the guy enough to go down on him then I'll swallow. I don't see anything wrong with it and the taste doesn't bother me. I think if I was a guy and some girl jumped up to spit I'd feel a little....offended. If I'm in a relationship, the guy I'm with will be getting it at least every other time we're intimate.


I like anal ok. Its not my favorite, but its not so bad.


I like to be pleased too. What woman doesn't?

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1. I don't mind swallowing but its not something i thoroughly enjoy. But its about give and take for both parties so im ok with doing it. Luckily for me, my guy tells me to take it out and he'll either come on my chest/stomach or on his stomach


2. I don't EVER wanna try anal...EVER...and he knows it haha


3. i LOVE receiving oral ^_^

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Maybe TMI as I'm a little on the young side but..

One, no problems there for me. I must say it is the cleaner option. Don't find the taste that bad plus it doesn't linger so much if you do things right.

Two, that hole to me is, uh, one-way only. Never used it for anything else, and have absolutely no desire to do so.

Third...haven't been there, but I hear it's an experience. Will get back to you on that

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1. Ya I do when I'm in the mood (usually drunk, lol). Agree, its def. less messy but sometimes I just don't want it in my mouth.


2. Eek no! Like the others have said - exit only! I had a boy once when we were fooling around stick his finger up there - yikes! He sure thought it was funny, I did not!


3. Heck ya! Its an experience, thats for sure

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1. I have a pretty sensitive gag reflex and the thought of certain things makes me gag/wanna throw up(cum, throw up, blood, guts.. stuff like that). Usually I just go spit it out real quick. Its not the most romantic thing running to the bathroom to spit right away but my BF doesnt care. I read in Cosmo though that cum whittens your teeth.


2. NO. Ive tried it with different boyfriends and im sorry, it doesnt feel good. Probably b/c of all your life you have gotten used to things coming out. It just doesnt feel right having things go in.


3. i LOOOOOOOVE receiving oral. However, if the guy cant do it right, just dont even try. It ruins it.

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1. I rather swallow than do the "this is awkward, is there anything around for me to grab because I'm about to cum." Or maybe it's not awkward, I don't know... I've always just swallowed. I don't give oral that often.


2. I want to try it, and my boyfriend really wants to try it. I'm just too nervous right now to do it just yet.


3. I love it, but we only give oral on special occasions. We find sex more intimate for the both of us.

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I swallow everytime, because I like cum lol... Taste has never been an issue really for me, um and the other reason is because I like the pulsing feeling when he comes in my mouth its hot lol


I always told myself I would never do anal, never really cared if I did... But then I got with my boyfriend and because we love each other so much it happened, plus we have an amazing comfort zone when we do anything sexual. Depending on what were up for we ussually do anal monthly or a few times a month.


I enjoy receiving oral and I know my boyfriend does to. Lately though we've mostly been doing really close things for we can hold each other during sex and what not

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1. Situational I guess. I don't mind swallowing at all. Like some girls have said, it can be less messy... and hey, it's tending to go there anyways! I've done all three options before - spit, swallow, remove... and I'm sure I'll do all three again. Doesn't matter to me as long as we are both having fun.


2. Eh... I suppose I'm open to the possibility of trying with someone I trust totally and completely, but so far, I've never done it and haven't had any desire to. I've never had a boyfriend who was interested, and well.... my pleasure buttons are kinda on the other side


3. Not every guy is great at it, but yeah... it is fun. I prefer the closeness of intercourse more probably.... but it is highly unlikely that I'd turn the tongue down

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I swallow everytime, because I like cum lol... Taste has never been an issue really for me, um and the other reason is because I like the pulsing feeling when he comes in my mouth its hot lol


I always told myself I would never do anal, never really cared if I did... But then I got with my boyfriend and because we love each other so much it happened, plus we have an amazing comfort zone when we do anything sexual. Depending on what were up for we ussually do anal monthly or a few times a month.


I enjoy receiving oral and I know my boyfriend does to. Lately though we've mostly been doing really close things for we can hold each other during sex and what not


ladies and gentlemen, best answer on this thread.

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  • 2 weeks later...

1. I swallow I like it (blush) Also, what am I going to do with it? So yeah I think it's tasty.


2. Anal...ugh. I've done it a few times. But the first 2 times no lube was involved so...omg that was horrible. It feels like I'm getting ripped in half.


3. Uh oral isn't my thing, I'm a finger girl.


My bf has been trying to convince me to try anal again but I've had bad experiences with him and it...the two combined. So I am very hesitant.

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1. I swallow I like it (blush) Also, what am I going to do with it? So yeah I think it's tasty.


2. Anal...ugh. I've done it a few times. But the first 2 times no lube was involved so...omg that was horrible. It feels like I'm getting ripped in half.


3. Uh oral isn't my thing, I'm a finger girl.


My bf has been trying to convince me to try anal again but I've had bad experiences with him and it...the two combined. So I am very hesitant.


well stated

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1. I dont like it at all. It takes gross and its warm and just something that doesnt seem like it should be swallowed! haha... but for some reason guys like it a lot so to please them ill do it once and a while.

2. Ive tried anal sex but it hurt like hell!!! I wouldnt let him do it because of the pain, it brought tears to me eyes...my friends who have tried it enjoyed it, its just getting over the first time i guess lol

3.I didnt like it before, but my boy knows the right tricks now so I ABSOLUTELY love it!!!!!!!!!!

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