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Is it normal???

Delusional Kisses

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So, I was worried about being pregnant and even though it wasn't quite time for my period, I went ahead and did a pregnancy test to ease my mind. It was negative........and I cried. I wasn't quite expecting that reaction from myself, you know? My sister was with me and said that was normal. She would have been upset too if it were her. I told the guy on Saturday night that I had taken the test. He was upset that I hadn't told him before and that he should have been there for the test (I didn't really think that mattered so much to him unless it had in fact been positive since we aren't a couple or anything). Nevertheless, a few hours later, he stated that he was oddly disappointed that it was negative. Again, shocking to me. Is it normal to be saddened by a negative result even when you weren't planning on a baby? I'm 30, financially secure, good job, my own home, etc. so the arrival of a baby wouldn't be in the end of the world.

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I don't know about you but even if I had an unplanned scare, knowing that at some point in my life when things are secure I'd love to have kids, I'd probably have a small wish that it would be a positive test, and a bit of disappointment when it was not.


I think given your situation it's probably best that it was negative, but I am not surprised by your reaction, especially if at some point in your life you want children.

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You are asking is it normal? what is normal first of all.... in a biological sense, it would be "normal" to be upset because as a woman you are meant to reproduce and you may be unconsciously facing the possibility of being infertile.

From a male perspective in your specific situation I would have sighed in relief but would have had a sense of sadness for the same reasons listed above.

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It is normal. Weird example but in 'Friends' when Rachel does the test and Phoebe tells her its negative and she cries, its similar! I know thats TV But still! I think if i was financially stable and the same age I'd feel a bit of disappointment because even if its unplanned it'd still be lovely.


You reckon your gonna start trying?

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It is normal. Weird example but in 'Friends' when Rachel does the test and Phoebe tells her its negative and she cries, its similar! I know thats TV But still! I think if i was financially stable and the same age I'd feel a bit of disappointment because even if its unplanned it'd still be lovely.


You reckon your gonna start trying?


There's a part of me that would love to do just that, but I'm not even in a relationship and you can't exactly "plan" to have a baby with your friend, right? And others ways are just too damn expensive.

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Everything in this world isn't always ideal. Sure, having a contributing partner and two parents in a child's life is a wonderful thing...however, a child can have a GREAT life with just one loving parent. I'm sure you can get tons of testimonials from the children of single parents.


You're right.


I wasn't asking about that.


I was asking if you personally wanted to be a single parent, or if you would prefer to do it with a willing partner who wanted to be involved?

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In all actuality, I determined that I probably wouldn't ever be in a committed relationship with someone...one of those things that just won't happen for me, but I still want children and as the years pass by so quickly, I see that dream passing very quickly as well. I guess I was looking at this possibility of pregnancy as a chance to have a child (with or without him). So, I had a late period for whatever reason and I think that just that little tiny chance made my heart flitter. I mean, what were the real chances here, I have sex one time after 11 years and I get pregnant???? Anyway, I started today....and I felt the disappointment once again....like someone just stepped on my chest.

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