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Am I just stupid?

I think by saying hurtful words to him and breaking up... caused us to break up.

I just wanted his attention and for him to make me a prioirty in his life.


He said he didnt know what he wanted, but he would let me know.... when he figures it out.

And today he said, 'Not yet but we are stil lfriends'


I use that line friend line whe nI break up with someone and am not interested.


So is that the case here?


Life would be soo much easier if I didn't have to see him 5 days a week.

Its just hard to pretend he's not there and be cold.

BUT I am proud to say... I haven't called or texted him...

if thats even a point to be proud of.


How does one just stop caring?

Or is it casue I gave up.. he gave up?


I know deep down inside it will be ok.

I wanted a future with him... but timing is not right for us.

I feel like if I let him go now.... he's gone forever.

I'm not young anymore....

I'm looking for marriage, long term relationships.

I feel if I turn my back now... thats it... no turning back.


Yet... we argue so much, how do we turn back and start over.

Maybe this is it... the end

I have my normal, ok times and time of pain and hurt.


I hate feeling vulnerable.

Why couldn't he just place me first for once?

If he really wanted a future with me... why did he let go?


I know I'll be ok.... or at least I'm trying to brain wash myself into thinking so....

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It doeas sound like he is trying to distance himself somewhat...


But seriously- if he can't work out his priorities and you feel like he's not putting you first (or near to it) then perhaps you should just move on, and wait to meet someone who will appreciate you and put your needs first.


Don't stay together just for the sake of it. You need to be happy in any relationship, or it's not worth it in my opinion.


good luck



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