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I read a post yesterday by a woman who was on the Depo injection as a form of birth control and she wasn't informed by her doctor that bone loss could occur so early in young women and taking calcium made no difference. apparently a study conducted in 2004 said after 2 years you should stop taking Depo and switch to another form of birth control.


I was on the Depo for 2 1/2 years and i now have an implant fitted into my arm which will stay there for 3 years. Not alot is known about the implant yet as its a new form of birth control. The implant stops my periods altogether and i experience no side effects apart from obviously not having a period for 3years. It doesnt make me feel normal.


Does anyone have any information on the contraceptive implant and whether it is linked to bone density? I dont want to carry on taking it if it's going to make my bones worse (if they are already harmed that is)

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ah.. read my post eh. Some say the copper IUD is a good form of control. You will get your periods and ovulate as normal, in this way its better and less risky than forms of progestrin related b/c like the Depo and others.

If i wanted to take a form of b/c after the depo it would be this, its extremely effective and one of the best forms out there. I reccomend you look into that if you are worried about bone density and feeling "normal"

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