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I feel like I'm missing something without someone in my life.


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If that would be prerequisite - at least 80% of the world population would be single.


Well, here in Canada the last census shows that for the first time singles outnumber married. Then take into account the number of people that are unhappily married or who have married for reasons other than love (ie: financial reasons) and that 80% figure of yours doesn't seem so outrageous. I stand by what I said....how can a person be in a truly healthy and loving relationship if they're not relatively happy with who they are as a person and aren't comfortable with they're own company? If a person enters into a relationship out of sheer loneliness, I wonder if they are making the ideal choice in a partner. That's not to say that people are always 100% happy with who they are....part of being happy is the continual quest for self-improvement.

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I don't buy into that idea that when someone is feeling down because they don't have a boyfriend, everyone feels the need to immediately say "you have to love yourself first" because apparently all girls without boyfriends who are complaining about it CLEARLY don't love themselves. And better yet, most jump to "that's probably why you don't have someone." I think it's ridiculous.


I think it's very easy to be a sulking mess while still appreciating yourself. It's called being so freaking tired of yourself that you want to find someone new who can take your mind off of yourself! You've gotten to know and like yourself so much that you need to start sharing all the greatness you're realized you are with somebody else!


Of course, there are girls who think a guy will fix their troubles and they jump to wishing they had a guy to make them feel special or pretty or valued or whatever. That's not good. They do need to value themselves first. I just hate it when people immediately think that when a girl is saying she feels like crap because guys aren't attracted to her, everyone has to immediately think it's because she doesn't appreciate herself foremost!

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