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14 years younger man, would you like to go out?


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Just friendship?

But I am not sure...he is 14 years younger, handsome and MD (he is 34 and I am 48)

I look younger than my age but a huge age diffrence makes me not willing to go out (he doesn't know my age).

Of course, I am very attractive to him.


Just go out with him and have a fun?

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If you're interested, go. If not, don't.


It's just a date...who knows if it will go any further than that.


Heck, you might agree to go and find out you're not terribly compatible.


I mean, there was this guy who asked me out a few years back...and I agreed to go...but in the back of my mind I was thinking, "I'm only going to show you we have nothing in common." He had been very persistent.


Long story short, I ended up marrying him...and he's 11 years younger than I am. We met when I was 37 and he was 26.

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Go out and have fun. I don't see anything wrong with it since you are both adults.


I have dated a few younger men --maybe I look younger, maybe I act younger than my age. I don't know-- and I almost always have a great time.


Let us know how it goes

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It's not like he is looking to marry you, so, why not go out with him? What can it hurt? Yes, there is a significant age difference but who cares, you never know what could happen. Plus, he is 34, a mature man. If you were going out with a 24 year old and you were 38...that would be a big difference but at both of your ages, you guys have matured so no biggie.

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Go out with him. I dated a cop who was 12 years older than me and it was some of the hottest sex I've ever had. She turned me on like a light bulb and I know I did the same for her. What's the worst he can say, "no"? But what's the best that can happen? You can hook up and have a great time! Go for it.

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