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Is this considered cheating?


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I was having the "have you ever cheated" conversation with my girlfriend tonight. We'd touched on it early on, not long after we had met, and she said she felt it was a horrible thing to do to someone. Tonight I was talking about a co-worker of mine cheating on his wife with two women and what a pig he was. My girlfriend then admitted that she did do it, but she didn't consider it cheating.


Her boyfriend at the time had abused her and finally broke her collarbone. He told her he never wanted anything to do with her again and he never returned her calls afterwards. This went on for two weeks and she figured it was over, so she had a rebound "fling" and got caught by her boyfriend. She didn't consider it cheating, and I'm surprised she was so open with me about it, but the boyfriend did consider it as such. So what do you think? Cheating or no?

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When a man lays hands on a woman, I don't think she has any loyalties to him ever again.


Well said. I almost want to break his collarbone after hearing about that. I felt sick.


Wow, didn't see the post above...I'm not mocking you, doyathink...sorry

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Bro! Just make sure you don't make the same mistake, and never cheat! It really isn't worth it, it's like after u watch some porn and your deleting the files off your comp, your always thinking in your head "why the * * * * do i even watch this stuff.."

No, i don't think she was cheating, make sure you don't do it to her.

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I've never cheated. I've been cheated ON by almost every girlfriend I've had, though. Through that, I realize what a terrible, terrible thing it is and swore I'd never put a girl through that. I'd never cheat on this girl. The way I feel about her my eyes don't even wander from her.

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Hmm. Ignoring the collarbone bit for now, if she thought that the relationship was over, taking some kind of decisive action to end it before moving on into a fling would be normally considered polite. But with this guy being abusive, not confronting him about breaking things off could be seen as a measure of self-protection.

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When a man lays hands on a woman, I don't think she has any loyalties to him ever again.


I agree with that. I would also say that she had very very good reason to view the relationship as over, both in her mind and officially as well. I wouldnt consider it cheating.


You could point out to her though, that if you ever have a big fight... to assume that you are not over, unless it is said that you are over.


Some people make a bigger issue of fighting than others... you dont want her made at you for forgetting to take out the trash and saying f him were over... and then hanging out with her ex, only to come back and 'make up' to you. (thats a stretch but you get my point).

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