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How can you tell that a woman is promiscuous?


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These guys were telling me that they can tell if a woman is promiscuous within a few minutes of having a conversation with her...is this true guys?


Ladies how do you feel about this? isnt this a bit sexist?


well.. if she stuff like: "this one guy i had sex with" or "this guy i met at a party and went home with" or if you make alot of sexual comments.. your sort of giving off the vibe that you think about it alot... if your single and talk about it alot, they may also associate it with being promiscious.

sometimes it's the way she dresses..

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Well, can they tell the same thing about a man? ;-) It's not really a matter of "sexist" but just a generalization and a silly one at that. I don't think it's true other than I suppose people make presumptions if a person is dressed ultra-sexy or makes sexual remarks to strangers.

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The way a woman dresses can be a tip off..although I have known some promiscuous women who dress very understated. Usually it is the way they look, they way they act...little subtleties they do with their eyes or how they interact with men. When a man is looking to get laid, he knows exactly what kind of woman would put out for him. Also, the promiscuous women tend to be pretty obvious, even other women figure it out fairly quickly. I don't think it is sexist at all...it is just fact.

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Let me guess. "These guys" are out to get laid, so they are hoping they have learned some cool tricks for picking out the bicycles and not.



I agree with Batya. Ok, sometimes generalizations and gut feelings are right. Some people wear outrageous on their sleeves and are PROUD to be promiscuous. Male or female, it doesn't matter.


But what is your opinion on it? Can a guy spend a few minutes with you and know much about you at all?


Would you care about the opinions of someone who was so quick to judge over some little thing he's got in his head?


I'd say for most people, it takes a little longer than that to get a sense of who they are and what their sexual preferences are.

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I don't know how to describe it...all I can say is that the eyes speak volumes and they have this "come hither" look. I am not a guy so I can't explain it well...but maybe a guy would be better able to describe the look. Better yet, just look at any Hollywood movie that has scenes with a woman who is out to get laid...you will find that in real life, the promiscuous women have the same look. I have been to enough singles dos to see those kind of women and the men who flock around them.

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Let me guess. "These guys" are out to get laid, so they are hoping they have learned some cool tricks for picking out the bicycles and not.



I agree with Batya. Ok, sometimes generalizations and gut feelings are right. Some people wear outrageous on their sleeves and are PROUD to be promiscuous. Male or female, it doesn't matter.


But what is your opinion on it? Can a guy spend a few minutes with you and know much about you at all?


Would you care about the opinions of someone who was so quick to judge over some little thing he's got in his head?


I'd say for most people, it takes a little longer than that to get a sense of who they are and what their sexual preferences are.


They're older guys who are looking for serious relationships, and tend to look for cues of a possibly promiscuous woman because they dont' want to be involved with someone who has been with a lot of men.

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Can you please explain into detail what they do with their eyes and other subteties?? i'm curious..


because i have make guys think that i was promiscuous even when i wasn't..just teasing them..


What do you mean "just teasing them"?


Are you a big flirt? Do you take it too far?


Maybe you are presenting yourself in a way that isn't working for you.

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What do you mean "just teasing them"?


Are you a big flirt? Do you take it too far?


Maybe you are presenting yourself in a way that isn't working for you.


It's not a habit. But I have done it in the past to a guy here and there before. There was this guy in particular whose interested I greatly questioned, so one day I called him up and boldly insinuated that he was going to get sex from me over the weekend. When Sat came, he called my cell phone repeatedly the entire day. I never picked up, I just sat there and watched my phone ring. Before then, he wouldn't really call me that much.

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I don't think that's flirting - that's more blatant sexual teasing. He was right to presume you were promiscuous if you would tell a guy that he would get laid if he called you. Not saying you are promiscuous but that sort of behavior is going to give that impression.

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You're right. but I really liked this guy and wanted to know if he was just out for sex from me. because before he never called me that much until i made him think that we were going to have sex at my house over the weekend. when i did that, he was calling me all day. I waited a few days later to call him back, and he was very bitter and I never heard from him again.

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Well, maybe a lot of guys are like that, but why would you want to be someone you are not...and if you are not that type, why would you want to attract a guy like that?



It's hard to find a guy who is interested in me for me. Sometimes I wonder maybe I am lacking something. It just seems easier to put out though.

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IMHO, that vibe will get you laid, but heartbroken every time! I had wild younger days, surrounded myself with loose women, had lots of sex, but nothing else! Couldn't find a serious relationship at all...then one day it dawned on me, all my friends were one nighters, nothing more! And everyone looked at me as the same...

I changed to just being casual, no heavy moves, just letting it come naturally...not as many dates, but the ones I had were more satisfying, even without the sex! It's like a balancing act!

I hope this helps...

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It's hard to find a guy who is interested in me for me. Sometimes I wonder maybe I am lacking something. It just seems easier to put out though.


Sure, plenty of women who put out end up getting married...I guess it is a matter of self-respect and what kind of man you value. Do you want a man who thinks with his brain or do you want a man who thinks with his genitals?

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It's funny. You are worried they only want sex, so you set it up to knock them down before they have a chance to do it to you.


Maybe time to get out of that game of tease and run. It's horrible for your self esteem.


Try the alternate route. Which requires courage. That is to give someone a chance to like or not without sexual teasing in the mix.


You might find out that you are ok after all: whether a guy wants you or not.

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what do you mean?


Luring guys with sex as you say that is the only way to keep them, then when they come forth for it bailing on them....and your other posts where you are seemingly more concerned about your orgasms than the person you are with...I dunno, just seems like you are setting yourself up for relationship problems for quite sometime unless you adjust strategy.

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