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This has to be the worst birthday of my life. I'm supposed to be going out with a bunch of friends tonight, but I don't even want to go.


I know that there are those of you on those boards who insist it would be a "setback" to hear from her. I understand the theory. Right now, though, I can tell you that a simple "Happy Birthday" text would be very welcome. After all those birthdays spent together, to have one go by completely unacknowledged is pretty awful.

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Hey Glimmer,


I'm sorry you are feeling this way. I know exactly how you feel.


Right now though, even though you don't want to, you need to put yourself with your friends. How else can they be there and support you if you're not with them? Particularly on a day like today? I think they'll understand if you get a bit upset while you're out with them. What are friends for? you know?


I'm sorry I can't find some words that would help more. I wish I could. Just try to enjoy being with your friends. When you're out with them focus on the moment, the time you have with them, and how lucky you are to have them as friends.

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Happy birthday dude, today is also my birthday


Here is my theme for the day (a song)


Throw it away

Forget yesterday

We'll make the great escape

We won't hear a word they say

They don't know us anyway

Watch it burn

Let it die

Cause we are finally free tonight


just go out and party, just forget everything or at least try

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This has to be the worst birthday of my life. I'm supposed to be going out with a bunch of friends tonight, but I don't even want to go.


I know that there are those of you on those boards who insist it would be a "setback" to hear from her. I understand the theory. Right now, though, I can tell you that a simple "Happy Birthday" text would be very welcome. After all those birthdays spent together, to have one go by completely unacknowledged is pretty awful.


Dude, I know your story well and we've talked quite a bit about these things. You may remember that my birthday was just a couple of days after my ex dumped me... I heard NOTHING! No text, no card, no e-mail, no nada. It was honestly one of the worst birthdays of my life -- that's how I felt that day anyway, and I was with my sister and parents. How could I feel lonely being with my family? I also know what it feels like to not want to go out with your friends. I was DRAGGED out the night before my birthday by my sister and her friends. You know what? I had a good time, had a few drinks, and was occupied for a few hours. I didn't feel better the next day, but I also didn't sit at home and feel bad for those hours. Please go out.


As for acknowledgement -- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! You've come a long way since we first started chatting...

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If it's any consolation I'm certain she's thought about you, but then she has to make a decision, does she chance reopening the pathways of communication? or does she just keep her silence and let it go?


If you instigated NC then it was your decision to withdraw from her, she has no more rights to contact you on your birthday than any other day. If you search on this forum I'm certain you'll find post from plenty of people that got a "Happy Birthday!" message and wish they hadn't, they wonder why it was so impersonal, "Is that all she could think of to say after being together for x years?!", but then if the dumper writes more or asks them how they are they second guess and wonder why all this sudden interest, after all, she dumped me!


If you have tried to stay in touch with her and now she has failed to contact you on a day that means so much then I think you just have to accept that she has her reasons. You may never know what they are and though they seem important now they aren't in the greater scope of your healing from this relationship.


Be with your friends, they are more important than your ex now, be satisfied that she WILL have thought of you, I'm sure she will have wondered what you are up to but be thankful that she respects you enough to NOT contact you. Avoid the desire to analyse her silence too much, it doesn't mean that your relationship meant nothing and it doesn't mean that she's somehow miraculously forgotten everything about you including your birthdate.


PS: Happy Birthday!!

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Well, everyone else is so sweet.


And I can't help thinking...if this is truly the worst bday of your life...with a slew of friends waiting to get together and celebrate you being born on this planet...

and yet you are insisting on focusing on the ex not saying happy bday...


your life is a rather sweet one. Go let off some steam with your buddies. Get drunk enough that you make a proper ass out of yourself and are suffering in the morning.


I'll bet you'll be grateful tomorrow (or the next day) that she hasn't called or wrote. You are feeling down. No one needs the call from the ex when they are feeling like piss. (that'd make it a lot worse, if you haven't had that happen before).

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