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Answering MY questions!?


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There is a girl who answers questions people are asking me. Obviously they are about me. Like for example...


Random dude: So...how old are you?


Me: I'm...


Girl: He's 19!


Me (thinking): Are you me? No...I didn't think so...


My friends say people do this when they like the person, but I sincerely doubt it. Especially when I consider a chaotic history I shared with this person. Other opinions please?

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I think that happens naturally in a couple situation or of course a parent-young child situation. Simply turn to her the next time and say with a smile

"thanks - I can handle this one"


I also think you are being a wee bit over sensitive depending on what she is answering.

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For some reason, this was the first advice I thought of: Next time she does that, be like, "Actually, I'm 20" (or whatever fits the situation) and then see what her reaction is. It's probably horrible advice. But depending on how well you know her, you might be able to tell why she's doing all that based on her reaction? Like, if she starts arguing with you over it, then she's probably feeling negative toward you, and is answering these questions to prove (probably to herself) that she is better than you or that you are an idiot.


I think if someone is answering questions for you, then they are trying to be dominant over you. (Like, parents will answer questions for children.. team leaders will answer questions for team members.. etc..) I'm not sure about the events in your "chaotic history", but if you have somehow rejected her in the past (either directly, or indirectly by lack of action) then she may be doing this to make herself feel better about it. (i.e., I know more about him than he knows about himself; he's so dumb he can't even answer these questions; I'm better than him; etc.) So, I think she likes you, but is acting in this way because she thinks you don't like her. But I may be completely wrong.. it really depends on the situation/history, I guess.

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Well it's happened more than once obvioulsy. Here's another example. Before I actually knew her.


Random Person: Hey...uh...What was your name again?


(After giving person several attempts to guess my name)


Me: It's...


Girl: It's Alex! How can you forget?


Me (in thought): Uhhh...Who are you?


Eh... I met her at church.. Now, she is one of those bubbly obnoxious, moody girls that talks a lot and fast when she gets excited. Obviously, generally not my type. But based on earlier attempts I made for a simple friendship with her, she wasn't enthusiastic in those convos. She didn't want to be friends so I dropped her like a sack of crap, and started talking with my old friend more. She really started being mean to him after this and they sort of got in a mini war I guess. After he left the group, after a while I decided to stop going too. When I came back to the study group, she started being annoying again, and doing that answering my question thing. At first, she was just being polite (I knew she was forcing herself to speak to me), then all of a sudden, she started talking like she was pumped full of adrenalin, it was VERY annoying. At that point she went nuts.


And she thinks I'm weird... >_>

And since we ride to the study together it will only get steadily worse with time. I'm just not up for these games...

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