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If he is somewhat infertile, can you still get pregnant?


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Ok I admit that on several occasions (not many but 3-4 I think and it wasn't really pulling out mehtod) he wasn't using a condom but later on did put it on and after a long while cum on it. I know pretty stupid but I just took his words when he say he has an infertility problem or he thinks he is b/c in his previous relationships when he didn't use a condom nothing would happened. Or the time a girl tricked him with a paternity test in which it came out that he wasn't the father (she's now currently living with the real father who's abusive).


Then there was a kinda scary moment when it was done anal, he cum and the condom broke but he say nothing would happened.


Well nothing has happened but (else I would have gotten preg already). So if he has infertility problems can he still gotten me pregnant?

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"Don't worry, I am infertile as I have never gotten anyone pregnant" - that must be one of the oldest lines in history.


Unless he has been to a doctor and had his little swimmers tested, he is not "infertile" and it only takes once. And even if he is not VERY fertile does not mean he is COMPLETELY infertile. Plenty of men with slower swimmers (or less swimmers) still get women pregnant.


Just because you have not gotten pregnant yet does not mean you won't....all it takes is the right timing.

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Even if he does have 'infertility' issues as he claims, it only takes one sperm making it to where it needs to go at the right time to get pregnant. So there is always a chance of becoming pregnant. Best thing to do is to play it safe and make sure to use a condom every time.

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Birth control is the best way to prevent pregnancy, don't go on some unfounded line about his fertility. Has he seen a doctor? Probably not. He could be very fertile, but the women he's been with weren't.


Use condoms, lube, and the pill, the smartest and most effective way to stay baby free.


Well he did say once he got a paternity test b/c the girl claimed it was his kid and it turn out that it wasn't. He was inform of having low sperm count. Now we're on a long distance relationship and one of the first thing he asked was if I gotten my period and yes I did. I was like ''You know it would have been your fault if you gotten me preg'', to which his response was ''Yes I know it would be my fault''.


Yes you're right, shouldn't have ever risked it. I was playing the Russian wheel.

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Well nothing has happened but (else I would have gotten preg already). So if he has infertility problems can he still gotten me pregnant?


There is so much wrong with the logic in your post.


Just because he hasn't fathered a child yet doesnt mean he isnt going to.


If he cums, then he probably isnt infertile, although there could be a problem with the sperm in his ejaculate. If so, how would he know?


The question isnt really whether you can get pregnant from a guy who is "somewhat" infertle. The answer to that would be yes.


The question really is, is there a reasonable chance of you getting pregnant if you continue having unprotected sex? And that answer is yes as well.

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yeah you are going Russian Roulette with this one Ailec, when a guy says "don't worry i am infertile" they are just trying to get away with not using a condom... unless he went to the Dr and had his sperm tested specifically for fertility.. well they even have over the counter tests out now actually.. Even if he did have a low count he is still in some way fertile and making a big gamble with your life.

Also its a bad sign that he hasnt been using condoms with other women.. one of whom obviously was sleeping with another guy, have you even considered he could be spreading STD's??

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Totally agree. Are you and he ready to be parents emotionally and financially? Are you willing to have abortion be your birth control method? This is not just about you - you could be the next one in court having to prove his paternity (and court is not a great place to bring a little baby for hours).


Sounds like a teenage mother I know - she was told that drinking hard liquor before the act would kill his potency. She ended up homeless for a few years.

Luckily it all worked out for her lovely child. She talks to teens now to try to set an example for what not to do.


Good luck.

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It's actually really easy to check if a guy is infertile. Take a sample of his semen and put it under a microscope. It's really easy to see the sperm. They don't last long so work fast.


I did that back in college. I was a biology major, and had my microscope in my apartment. One day I was jerking off and decided to check my sperm count. It was so weird seeing those little buggers wiggling and jiggling all over the place.


I got morbid fascination out of sqooshing them with the cover slide. Is that wrong?


Then my roommate came home, and asked what I was looking at. I didnt tell him, but I had him take a peek. He was like, "what the heck is that". When I told him, he laughed, and then he asked for a slide. He disappeared for a couple of minutes, and came back with a sample on the slide. He had much more sperm than me, but I had a GF and we had sex the night before, so that explains the difference.


Then our third roommate came into the room, found out what we were doing, and said "great, my turn!". So he leaves the room, without a slide, and comes back with his hands cupped together and, splat!, all over my microscope! I was like, "you better clean that mess up!". His sperm count was low too, he had a girlfriend also.

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True I did risked myself (I trust him that's why). I guess I got lucky. Though last time we talked he kinda change his version to saying that yes even if he is infertile, the odds were very little but there was still 1 in 10 that his sperm can work.


You trust him - does he have medical test results supporting his assumption? Does he have medical training in this area? What kind? This has nothing to do with trust - this sounds like a young guy with no medical training giving you his opinion based on nothing scientific or medical about his sperm. It's best if you do your own research, go to your own gynecologist or doctor to discuss this issue and better yet use protection because unless abortion is your birth control, you are also risking the health and welfare of a child.

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Totally agree. Are you and he ready to be parents emotionally and financially? Are you willing to have abortion be your birth control method?

Good luck.


Good point on that one. No definitely not ready. In fact if I was for me, I wouldn't want to ever deal with kids (got no interest in them), but he does wants in the future so ok I basically had to agree on that one (if he wants then I want them too).

We did once had a talk about me aborting if he had gotten me preg. but he was like ''I wouldn't let me b/c I can file a lawsuit, you might not want a kid but I do, I can raise it if you don't want to''.

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Good point on that one. No definitely not ready. In fact if I was for me, I wouldn't want to ever deal with kids (got no interest in them), but he does wants in the future so ok I basically had to agree on that one (if he wants then I want them too).

We did once had a talk about me aborting if he had gotten me preg. but he was like ''I wouldn't let me b/c I can file a lawsuit, you might not want a kid but I do, I can raise it if you don't want to''.


Oh my god..... don't trust that! Take a peek at all the kids who don't know their fathers are because they bailed out... there are alot of them! It sounds like he doesnt know what he is getting into.. or he thinks of you as some baby factory that he can have fun with. And it really doesnt sound like he is taking the baby issue seriously. And no he cannot file a lawsuit against you! That doesnt make any sense.

Remember a baby isn't something that can just "be taken care of" I don't think he knows what that means, you two are both young and i doubt his idea of fun for the next 5 years is to sit around and take care of a screaming, crying, colicing, diaper toting kid. He's going to want his sleep too, and you will be the one stuck with the dirty work.

Unless you two are married, strap a condom on and don't run the risk of being a single mom, taking care of a kid that you said you didn't even want.

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Sounds like you're not really considering the best interests of a child in having two parents in a stable relationship. Obviously it doesn't always work out that way but to have unprotected sex knowing that you don't really want kids and knowing he would want you to abort - and you wouldn't and would raise the kid anyway - doesn't sound like a very stable environment for the child. It's not the child's fault that you two aren't on the same wavelength right now about having children so why bring an innocent child into the world in this situation? Is it really worth the orgasm?

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Good point on that one. No definitely not ready. In fact if I was for me, I wouldn't want to ever deal with kids (got no interest in them), but he does wants in the future so ok I basically had to agree on that one (if he wants then I want them too).

We did once had a talk about me aborting if he had gotten me preg. but he was like ''I wouldn't let me b/c I can file a lawsuit, you might not want a kid but I do, I can raise it if you don't want to''.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you're pregnant and decide you want to have an abortion, he CANNOT sue to make sure you carry the baby to term and give birth to it. He may be the father, but it is YOUR body.


And what's with the "I don't want X but if *he* wants X then I want it too"? Are you serious? Why would you change your mind on something so important because of what he wants?


Use birth control until you want to get pregnant, and make sure you use condoms to protect yourself from STDs. I know a girl who was told by a guy that he was infertile b/c he'd had his tubes tied...she believed him and didn't use birth control. She's now got a 2-month old baby!! Turns out he lied to her just cos he didn't want to use condoms. And she believed him so didn't use the pill or some other non-condom method.


Finally, I cannot stress the STD issue too much. I am 29 and have slept with 5 people in my life (the fifth person is my current boyfriend), and all but the first one were relationships between 5 months and 6 years in duration. In my previous relationship we were both tested for HIV/hepatitis/chlamydia/syphilis/gonorrhoea before we slept together without a condom. I also went on the pill for double safety. However, there are some STDs like herpes that can't really be tested for...there is a blood test you can do but it doesn't show where in your body a herpes infection is to be found, and the two types of herpes virus can cross over between sites (oral, genital). So we didn't have those tests done; I didn't really know about them or genital herpes either at that point, I just knew about the "standard" STD test as I'd had them done a few times (always get them done before and after a relationship, just to be up-to-date about my sexual health). This is why I am quite eager to tell people about this so they can avoid going through what I went through.


Anyway. My last partner *knew* he had genital herpes because he'd had an outbreak in the past BUT didn't tell me that. Why? He didn't want to have to use condoms with me - he hates them. I had no reason not to believe him and didn't really know about the risk of genital herpes, so we just used the pill as birth control. My first outbreak a couple of weeks later was horrific, I wouldn't wish that on anyone! Since then I've started a new relationship and told the guy on the first date because I wanted him to be able to make an informed choice regarding his sexual health, before there were any feelings involved. We are in a relationship now because he thought it through and decided he wanted to really have a relationship with me. We've both been cleared for all the above STDs, but he doesn't have herpes. So, while I am on the pill we also have to use condoms to protect him from getting infected. I hate not being able to make love to him without a condom, and he hates it too. All because some guy valued his own selfish pleasure over my health. And what is even more worrying is that a guy what a moral code like that is now training to be a doctor!!


Let this be a warning to you. Always use a condom. 25% of US Americans have genital herpes, and your guy may just be one of them. And even with a condom there is still a chance of getting it. So while birth control to stop yourself from getting pregnant is important, so is doing all you can to reduce your risk of getting STDs.


Always take responsibility for your own sexual health, and don't put this responsibility square into the hands of a guy.


Good luck!

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