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Hi all


My Partner and i broke up after four years together 3 months ago. We have not seen each other since and there has been little contact other than to sort out a legal issue. I was devastated by the split which was mutually agreed as he was unable to commit (not talking marraige but wanted to be FREE to find himself) so I decided not to fight it but to let him go.


Its being really hard but i have somehow managed with the help of my wonderful family and friends to keep going and date again (recently). Thing is i still love him but now i love myself more and am not prepared to get hurt again in case he want s to be Free again.


I got this mail off him (SEE BELOW) out of the blue this morning thanking me for sorting out the legal thing....He had asked to meet before but i suggested we wait until the legal thing was sorted...What do you think of the rest of I want to be happy in my life but i don't want to shoot myself in the foot by ignoring it. He was a good guy going through tough times. What do you think i should do?






Thanks for sorting all that out, I'm trying to organise a month away at the moment so the next few days will be really busy with that. I still think it would be nice to meet at some stage - and certainly before I go [mid-novemebr].

Got a strange call from aussi secretary looking for your phone number - a strange request.


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Hi Geri,


I'm not sure what exactly is going on with your e-mail and aussie secretary there !!


However, regarding what you should say to him:


Firstly, what do you want? You are moving on with your life you say. Are you sure that you can meet your ex and keep it "professional" ? If not, you should let him go away for his month and see how you are then. You can make an excuse to him no problem, and he is not going to start ringing you daily to see if you'll meet him.


What are his motives? Is he just being nice? Has he a hidden agenda? You should be sure about this aswell, or at least be ready to respond to anything like that he may throw at you should you meet.


Be sure you know why you are meeting, and remember that hidden agendas in these situations can often end up going terribly wrong. If you are a bit weary, perhaps you should wait for another month or two.


Hope this helps you some,

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