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I don't know where to go from here!!! Please help!

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Hello everyone, I have posted a few forums on here in the past and everyone has been great with answering question, giving advice, and just being there for people like me in time of need!! I need some more advice!!! Here is a quick cap of what has been going on with me in the last few months: I have been married for about 2 1/2 years, currently 9 months and about two months ago my hubby left me. I found out somthings and I had reasons to believe that somthing was going on, maybe letting my imagination getting the best of me, he says he left because he was unhappy and was tired of us arguing all the time, he didn't want his baby coming into this world listening to her mom and dad do nothing but aruge!! He said and still says there has been nothing going on....even though he until a few nights ago was living with another woman. I still love him, but I am still also having a hard time believing him when he says that there hasn't been nothing going on, I know him and this girl moved in together less then a month ago and he says they are just roomates, but since then he is staying with a male friend of his because he says this girl wants more then just a roomate and he doesn't want that. He called a couple nights ago leaving a couple messages saying that he wants to talk to me about some stuff and he sounded really upset, well instead of calling him back the next day I waited for him to call me, and we got together the next night and did a lot of talking, I asked a bunch of questions and he answered them for the most part, he told me what has been doing on and he also said "I still love you, I miss you, I miss coming home to my wife" I talked to him since then and told him I wanted to talk some more there is more that needs to be worked out, there is a lot more to this, like I have caught him in lies, he has a rocky past with relationships, and he also has three other kids by three different women. Not that that's a bad thing, I have a child from a previous relationship, but his situation is he doesn't see all of these kids, one is a long story, one the mother doesn't want him to see the child, and the other one he sees on a regular basis. So anyways, like I said, I still love him and I want more then anything for us to get back together, I am just scared, I am scared of being hurt again....because I am a lot stronger now then I was two months ago and don't want to let my guard down and get hurt again, I also know there is going to be a lot of things we are going to have to get past, like me learning to trust him again, and him excepting the fact that he was wrong to do the things he did, he has a hard time admitting when he is wrong or saying that he is sorry for what he does. I guess I just don't know where to go from here, like I said a huge part of me wants him back, I am going to have our baby in less then a month and I need him here for me in so many different ways, but I also want to be strong on my own as well..... So anyways, if anyone can please give me some helping advice here..... that would be GREAT!!

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all that every man really wants, deep down, is a woman like his mom. who loves him unconditionally, and pampers and treats him like a king.


of course, these days of female emancipation, you have to look in 3rd world countries to find these girls. and even then when you find them. they change!


of course, society does train a man to expect less and to put in more effort on their part in a relationship. but your man is pretty low down the civilisation level. so you can take him back, but you have to accept that he's not going to be any better than he was. if you expect more, expect that he will up and leave again.


and the dumb brute that he is, will go from woman to woman until he finds one that operates at his level. so how does he gets the girls? well, the courting behaviour is a lot different from long term relationships


so take care of yourself and your kiddo.

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