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is not wearing makeup unprofessional?

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I think its ridiculous that women are expected to wear make up. I hate the smell of it, I hate the feel of it, I hate touching it..... particularly lipstick.. ewwwww. I don't want to eat that stuff and thats what you do when you put it on your lips everyday!!!


I am really into face and body products though like moisturisers and masks- and buy the natural smelling, sometimes expensive plant derived brands. Im a sucker for those products. I just cannot stand the artificial smells of makeup and some skin care products- if i walk past someone in the street and they have heaps on I feel like I am choking!!


I would refuse to wear makeup.

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If you were like a lot of women, you would be spending so much time every morning getting fixed up that it would cut into the time you spend doing functional things. This is one thing that holds many women back. On your lunch breaks, many women run into the bathroom and touch up their makeup and comb their hair. I'll bet you're the type who tends to stay in the office and get extra work done, especially when you're on a deadline. If they can't appreciate this, there may be plenty of employers who can. Unless this job is the only way up the ladder in a career that you're absolutely set on, I'd look around.

Further, I suspect that the suggestion that you wear makeup came from one person, not the entire group. If you do your job well, most of them could probably care less.


I am not sure why people assume that women who wear makeup spend hours getting fixed up in the morning.


My routine is pretty darn quick and does include makeup.

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I want to add that it wasn't that long ago that makeup was thought to make a woman look professional - in the wrong way. Even today many women may choose not to wear make for religious reasons, or because they just want to show off the face the gods gave them.


Not to mention allergies. I know several people that are allergic to most types of make-up.

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She means that if men are required to wear makeup too, that would work for her.


Men are required to do things women aren't - shave their faces, keep their hair a certain length - although maybe not in your work place.


I believe in choosing battles when it comes to sexist situations in the workplace. The OP has decided that wearing makeup is a battle she chooses - to me it doesn't sound like a worthy cause but it's up to her of course.


shaving your face is not the same as covering your face in caustic chemicals.

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shaving your face is not the same as covering your face in caustic chemicals.


I disagree. A man who shaves must use some type of aftershave to avoid razor bumps and putting on afershave is having to put something on your face. I would far rather put on make up than have to shave everyday. That is more of a chore in my opinion yet required for many jobs.


It is one thing to not want to wear makeup. That is fine. But to go so far as to say it is putting caustic chemicals on your face is not accurate. Make up today, most of it, is actually very GOOD for the skin.


Maybe you are thinking of make up of yesteryear or something. Makeup today has vitamins and minerals and sunscreen in it which is GOOD for the skin. MOst of it is so sheer it doesn't clog pores either.

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Hi phreckles,


I realize this thread is dragging out ad nauseum, but I just want to say that I think you did exactly the right thing. There comes a time, even in the corporate world, where you have to take a stand for something you believe in, regardless of how trivial it may seem to others.


And I wouldn't worry overmuch about bad references, being blacklisted, etc. It can happen, but it can also happen if you follow all the rules to the letter. There are employers out there who value honesty and people who speak truth to power- even if that's something as simple as deciding what you will or will not wear on your face.


I don't want to prolong the death of this thread any longer so I will end here. More power to you!

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