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I think I am too analytical a person, and philosophical as well. I understand the problems of my past relationships and the guys I was with are, unfortunately jerks. I have been trying to move on slowly for the last year, yet loneliness kills. I know I shouldn't make contacts yet I can't help myself reading dating online ads, trying to look for their messages (long story on how I find out they post them, but I had verified). And when I come accross ads I think it is him, I get upset. This is really sick of me, keep doing will only hurt me, I know it, but how can I get rid of the habit? And being jobless too, I spend so much time browsing the web... (in fact, my career is related to web, so i have to, in many ways), so I really donno what to do.

I have tried hanging out with friends but most of them are like me, hitting late 20-s - and are busy with weddings, pets, travel, etc. I know it's important to think and live healthy, yet my depression is still there.

Please, please help.

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One way to kill time on the computer, is online games, these are role playing type games, with real people, hours just fly by, really gets your minds off problems.


matter of fact im playing one right now! its called shadowbane but there are other games also, depends on what you like, this one is not all about action, there is lots of social stuff here, and many women play it. think "lord of the rings" elves, dragons, orcs etc.


I also play Planetside from time to time, thats an action first person shoot out, sometimes battle with 200 people.


other online games are Star wars galaxies, and Sims online. Shadowbane has a free download and 10 days free, so if you wanna give it a try, but its a big download so best have high speed connection.


you can look at the different web sites and get info on these games, these arent your typical set top games, they are geared more for the adult croud, have lots more content.


so if you need to burn time while staying near the PC, thats a good option, better than looking through personal ads for your Exs ad.

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Alternately, if you don't want to or don't like gaming - pick a program to learn something about that has a free trial/shareware (or k...k...ka won't say it that might be a challenge - that's how I started with photoshop, getting to the verge of being good enough to freelance on that, and the most recent acquisition is flashmx, next challenge up to the plate. And nope, I can't draw a decent stick figure by hand, I just liked art and wanted to give it a go There's stuff out there for just about everything, music, art, ebooks, moviemaking, coding, everything - this is on your time, so you're not being judged on how well you can do it to start, or if you change your mind and move to something else - find something you can take some satisfaction or pleasure in, whether it's what most people would consider pleasure or not.

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i think there is a certain level of satisfaction in hunting down your ex in online dating ads. i confess i might do the same if i were in your situation.


print out the ad, hang it on the wall and throw darts at it, for extra value


you might even want to put your excellent sleuthing skills to work at picking a gem out of the dating ads for your own personal satisfaction (ie. get yourself a date with a non-jerk)


as for your job situation, is there some other career you might want to consider. or eat humble pie since you are currently jobless and take what you can find out in the market? a change of your work schedule may just take the edge off your need to read ads (ie. too tired after working the whole day)

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