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So.. I have one. Here i am at 36, had one 7 year relationship.. and one 7 month one that I got out of not long ago.


Here is the deal. I DONT have any experience approaching.. as all of my dating experiences were with men, and I didnt have to approach anyone.


So... There is this girl that works nearby here at a starbucks, and I think she is cute. A week ago when I went in.. she remembered what I drink (which is not uncommon for them, so not reading any sign into that one).. she also remembered my name. She asked me what I was doing for the weekend. I told her that I had no plans and asked her back. She said that she actually had the weekend off and had no plans.


Her body language threw me off. I really think this girl is cute. Does anyone have any idea how I approach this girl without making myself looking stupid in case she is straight..


I would love advice as I have a new found feeling of HOPE. I am kind of excited about moving on in my life..

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Well, what you can do is once you get to know her, ask her if she has facebook...and facebook usually says Interested In: Men or Women!


You can also go out with her (just as friends) and ask her about past relationships...If she says, "I dated this guy..." or "I dated this girl..." then you know what she likes, I guess?


Even if she's straight, lesbian, or bi-sexual, you can always ask her to go out.

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Lol.. That is a great idea angel.. Its just because I have never been able to go out and have fun in my lifestyle.. so, this is kinda exciting, yet on the other hand.. it is scary.. but man... is she cute!!!!!


I will be going over there in a couple of hours..


Lol.. I am kinda feeling gitty about the whole thing....

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Ok.. so that was just it. She wasnt just looking at me. She was looking at me and giving me this cutesy smile, the best way to describe it is like a shy smile.. yet interested too. But.. Like I said.. I have never ever had to determine if someone is interested in me. I have always been the one approached.


She doesnt wear a wedding ring..


Should I try striking up conversations? Do, I appear a certain way..


I am laughing right now as I ask cause I know how stupid I sound.. but either way.. this is causing a ton of smiles on my face either way just the thought of doing this..

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  • 3 weeks later...

OHH this is so cute.


its sounds just like what i went through.


have you been in a lesbian relationship before? i think you mentioned you hadnt but you seem so cool about it and not unsure at all about dating a chick, or at least thinking about it.




i really enjoyed reading this because its bringing back memories for me the best time of my life! you will really enjoy getting to know her, and you sound like you will fall quickly for her.


i would ask for her mob number. or slip a note into her hand when she gives you her change. or ask your friend for her mobile number.


ask for something!!

let us know how it all goes!



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We know now that she is a lesbain an is interested in you,she put herself out there by saying she had NO plans for the weekend, waiting for you to ask her out.I say go for it, if she had a girlfriend she would spend the weekend with her.Hope you have made a move on her best of luck an keep us posted lol

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Ok.. so that was just it. She wasnt just looking at me. She was looking at me and giving me this cutesy smile, the best way to describe it is like a shy smile.. yet interested too. But.. Like I said.. I have never ever had to determine if someone is interested in me. I have always been the one approached.


She doesnt wear a wedding ring..


Should I try striking up conversations? Do, I appear a certain way..


I am laughing right now as I ask cause I know how stupid I sound.. but either way.. this is causing a ton of smiles on my face either way just the thought of doing this..


Awwww I agree this is too cute. I hope everything works out for you. Sorry, I don't have any words of wisdom. I just wanted to say good luck! ;D

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