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Its funny. After my breakup of 7 years, I thought I had learned it all. I thought I had healed and knew exactly what to do and what not to do. Well, i am going through yet another break up, and its a rebound situation - her ex is asking her back situation. Once her ex asked her back, our situation went from I love you and it will be forever.. to ... Im scattered and confused give me a bit of time.. I gave her a bit of time just to have her love for her ex grow and her love for me is dwindling. Her ex is abusive and has stolen from her bank account.. and she has told me so many times that she cant figure it out, that I am the most wonderful person she has ever met.. yet, she cant get her ex out of her head.


We are in NC. Not because I want her to concretely realize I was good and she is running to bad... I am not doing NC for games.. I am finally.. and I want to emphasize finally realizing that I SHOULD not want someone who is wishy washy with me. I am sooo ready to find someone who is already ready to experience forever... someone who has realized that life is not full of games and power and wanting to even a score so to speak.


If I stay alone.. Well, I am alone now. There are many benefits to being alone. I wont give up my self worth to anyone who cannot cherish me for the love and effort that I put in to a relationship. I do not have the full fledged heartbreak anymore. Just a feeling of sadness and I do miss her. Yet, again.. I have realized that no one that loves me would ever want me to comprimise myself. I will no longer do this for anyone. I am ready to feel good about life. I dont hate her. I dont wish ill on her. I just want a happy loving life.. with someone who is ready.


For those out there wondering if their ex is going to come back.. I realized that maybe try wondering if YOU are going to come back to you... be true to yourself and life will give you the best paths!!!


Good luck on your healing jourey!!!

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For those out there wondering if their ex is going to come back.. I realized that maybe try wondering if YOU are going to come back to you... be true to yourself and life will give you the best paths!!!



I really like what you've said here!


Keep your head up, bud. You seem to be very sharp and are heading in a positive direction.

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redsuede, i am right there with you, great post, sometimes i have moments of clarity and sometimes i start rehashing the past. whenever i have a moment of clarity i write a note to myself when i think of the relationship in a more logical way and not beat myself over it. my only problem is i feel a bit like a failure sometimes. when i get down i will read your post as well because it is so damn true! xx

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Good for you lily07!!!! Keep the clarity. The more you have the clarity, the more you have retrained your brain not to think of all of those failure thoughts. If you get down again.. post and we will all pick you back up!!


What you think is what you feel!!!!

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